Fine and noble horses, which have long delighted people with their grace and beauty, often serve as models for artists. They are depicted racing in a herd, harnessed to a sleigh, peacefully grazing in a meadow and pulling a peasant's plow. Horses are characters in many cartoons and books, so stylized drawings of these animals are also in demand.

It is necessary
- - paper;
- - pencil;
- - eraser.
Step 1
Choose the style of the drawing you are going to make. Find a photo or picture that best suits your idea. Examine the horse's figure carefully. Identify several parts into which the animal can be divided to make it easier to work.
Step 2
The head can be conditionally divided into a circle and a rectangle, the neck is like a cone, the chest is a large ball, the croup is also a circle. Pay special attention to the horse's legs, you can even study the anatomy of the animal to understand how the limbs are arranged, where the joints and main bones are located. This is the only way to depict these slender parts of the horse's body.
Step 3
Connect the simple shapes that make up your sketch with smooth lines into one silhouette. Outline the legs of the animal, shape the hooves. Refine the shape of the horse's back, do not forget about the deflection of the spine, which is present between the shoulder blades and the croup of the horse. Draw the tail, mane and ears.
Step 4
Erase the wrong lines, achieve harmony of the figure. Check the sample picture. Use strokes to outline the muscles of the horse, which are clearly visible under the skin. On the face, sketch out the eyes, nose and mouth. Strands of mane can cover part of the horse's head. Outline the round cheek of the animal.
Step 5
In the next step, work on clarifying the details. Try to keep the lines smooth and natural. Peer into the photo in order not to miss even the smallest nuances of the structure of the horse's body and head. Fur around the hooves, bangs between the ears, velvet nose, shiny skin - all this you need to reflect in your drawing.
Step 6
Now you need to make the figurine three-dimensional, this is achieved with the help of chiaroscuro. Determine the point where the light will hit the horse. Leave the parts of the body on which the sun shines white or light. Shade in the shadow with a pencil. Make the muscles bumpy, leave white highlights on the bulging eyes.
Step 7
Set aside the picture to work on it later, when your eyes rest and see some inaccuracies and roughness in the drawing.