For close-ups of riders, detailing the horse's head is indispensable. Here it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions. In order to realistically draw a horse, you must have considerable experience and a good eye. But if you are not going to create a work of art, you can follow the step-by-step instructions.

Step 1
Draw three circles. These will be the first outlines of your drawing. It is their proportion that determines the correctness of the final drawing. The largest circle should be on top, a little lower - a small one, and the middle should be located diagonally from them.

Step 2
Draw the initial outline of the head. Not pressing hard on the pencil, connect the circles. Draw a small circle in the large oval. This will be the horse's eye.

Step 3
Add ears, nostrils and neck. Horses have ears upright. Place them on the same level at the top of your head. Add the outline of the neck and two parallel round nostrils. Draw a slightly curved mouth line. Then correct the outline of the head and remove unnecessary lines.

Step 4
Draw a bridle. Draw a small ring near the edge of the lips. Then draw a small rim sticking out of the mouth. After that add some details to make your drawing more realistic. Draw the mane, complete the nostrils and the shape of the eyes.

Step 5
Complete all the paths. Finish the bridle to the end by adding a few extra straps. Apply a few strokes to the mane.