Chopin is a composer of Polish origin, one of the representatives of romanticism. The language of romantic music is somewhat more complicated than in the era of classicism: chords appear on the side steps, the rhythmic pattern becomes more complicated, but the main thing is that Chopin, like all romantics, used a large arsenal of trills, grace notes and other decorations.

Step 1
General guidelines for playing Chopin's works are familiar to most musicians. First, for example, when analyzing a piano piece, first learn the part of each hand separately. Do not tackle the entire piece at once, practice 4-8 measures. Perform all decorations at once, use the correct fingering. Play as slowly as possible.
Step 2
In waltzes, mazurkas and other works of Chopin, the standard accompaniment is actively used in the structure of the left-hand part: bass - chord - chord (with four-beat scales, the chord is repeated three times). Therefore, practice your left hand by playing two at once: with the left - only bass, with the right - only chords. Make sure that the bass sounds clear and loud enough, and the chords are muffled. In this case, the fingering in the right hand does not matter, and with the left, keep the order of the fingers exactly.
Step 3
Trills in classical pieces are played with an emphasis on the first note of the three. In romanticism, the emphasis shifts to the last note. So start playing trills and grace notes a little ahead of you so that the strong (or relatively strong) beat matches the accent.
Step 4
In romanticism, the rubato (free tempo) technique was first used. At certain moments, it is allowed (and sometimes required) to slow down or accelerate to give a special emotion to the work. In these moments, show the tension of the music not only in pitch, dynamics, but with all your heart.
Step 5
Read about the composer himself and about a specific piece. The composer's mood is indicated in the context of the creation story. Analyze melody structure, harmony, tonality. Try to understand the author's opinion of what is happening.
Step 6
Reflect the spirit of the era and the author himself in the game. In the era of romanticism, the theme of the inner world of a concrete, ordinary person was actively developed in all spheres of art (as opposed to the classical cult of the hero, power, people). Express your own personality, community with the composer.