A synthesizer is an electronic keyboard instrument that allows you to change timbres to suit the needs of the performer. A synthesizer is often compared to a computer for its huge variety of functions and settings. Choosing such a tool is a very responsible task, because a poor-quality purchase can discourage you from continuing your studies. When buying a synthesizer, you should pay attention to the following characteristics.

Step 1
First of all, you need to decide on the type of keyboard. She can be active and passive. In the first case, the volume of the reproduced sound depends on the force of the blow. A person who has previously played the piano can take advantage of this, which will give him great expressive possibilities. With the help of such a keyboard, dynamic nuances, phrasing, accents appear. In a passive keyboard, the velocity of the keystroke does not affect the volume of the sound, which is best for beginners, as it produces a smooth sound without "dips".
Step 2
Polyphony. This parameter determines the number of keys that will sound when pressed simultaneously. For example, with a polyphony of 8, the ninth key will no longer play sound. In most cases, when playing with two hands, we use no more than 8 notes. However, it is much better to have headroom, so 12 polyphony would be the best option.
Step 3
Auto Accompaniment lets you play accompaniment with your left hand by pressing only 1-2 keys on the keyboard. Depending on the settings you choose, the accompaniment will be rock and roll, tango, disco, samba, and so on. Usually synthesizers have about 100 rhythms (in some cases up to 130), although 24 rhythms will be enough for a beautiful game. To use this function, you must carefully read the manual for the tool.
Step 4
The number of timbres is how many different musical instruments you can play using the synthesizer. There can be from 100 to 562 of them, among them there are really amazing ones. Often, a synthesizer is equipped with a blending function to produce the sound of two instruments, such as a harp and violin. However, when mixing, you can use half the number of keys at the same time.
Step 5
MIDI is a digital interface used to connect a synthesizer to a computer. With it, you can record your tunes on your computer and edit them later. To connect, you need a sound card and two cords for input and output.