How To Draw A Fly

How To Draw A Fly
How To Draw A Fly

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The art of drawing has no limits. Some people like to portray large objects, while others like small ones. You can draw high mountains, animals or insects. Try drawing a simple fly.

How to draw a fly
How to draw a fly


Step 1

Select the top view. Draw the head first. To do this, draw a small triangle with equal sides. Draw two ovals on the sides - these are the eyes of the future fly. They must be positioned so that they protrude slightly beyond the sides of the triangle. Since the fly has faceted eyes, shade the ovals with light lines in two directions. Draw antennas (antennae) closer to the apex of the triangle. Draw short, thin hairs on them.

Step 2

Next, you need to depict the chest. From the bottom of the triangle, draw an elongated semi-oval. Then sketch out the belly, which should resemble the ribcage of a fly, but be slightly longer. Draw semicircular stripes across the abdomen to represent its shape.

Step 3

Draw the front legs. To do this, draw two parallel lines from the chest to the side, slightly up. Then turn the lines straight up. Turn to the side again and up slightly. Draw the middle legs. They begin at the intersection of the rib cage with the abdomen. Draw on the same principle, only the direction of the lines should go slightly up and to the side, and then with an arc down and up. The hind legs should be drawn in the same way as the front legs, only in the opposite direction, that is, down.

Step 4

Draw the wings. They start from the junction of the chest with the abdomen. The wings should be slightly longer than the abdomen. Draw a light mesh on the wings to represent a tiny system of locking muscles.

Step 5

Draw thin hairs on all legs and along the contour of the abdomen. Erase the extra lines. Place multiple dots on the head, chest and abdomen, as this is how you see the short hairs from above. The fly is ready.
