How To Draw A Fly With A Pencil Step By Step

How To Draw A Fly With A Pencil Step By Step
How To Draw A Fly With A Pencil Step By Step

Using only simple pencils of various softness, you can draw a very realistic fly. It is better to do this in stages - first create the base of the insect, then draw some details brighter, add volume, shadows and light.

How to draw a fly
How to draw a fly

Fly sitting half-turned

You can draw a fly based on a base of two or three ovals. Start with the first method by creating an insect from two basic shapes. To do this, draw a small oval on the left side of the sheet - the head of an insect. A larger oval goes from this figure to the right. This is the body of a fly. Place the wings on both sides from the sides of the body. These will be more elongated ovals, at the end they are slightly pointed. The wings of an insect are about 1.5-2 times larger than its body - pay attention to this when creating your artistic masterpiece.

Since this is a half-turn drawing of a fly, the wings do not lie in one line. Draw the wing, which is behind, a little higher than the first. The fly has 6 legs. The first 2 come out from under the oval head. Draw the next pair at the intersection of the first with the second oval. The third pair emerges from the middle of the second body oval.

Draw two large round eyes on the head. Draw a small proboscis. It is straight - slightly forked at the end. You can draw small hairs on the legs.

Now you need to add texture to the drawing. Take a standby pencil of medium hardness, make strokes with it on the body of the insect. Leave a light spot in the middle. This will give the drawing volume.

Add texture to the wings. Draw a few veins on them with a soft, simple pencil. Leave the wings themselves unhatched. After all, they are transparent.

Fly sitting upright

You can use this template to draw a fly that sits upright and is looked at from above. The details of the head and torso are in line. The ovals are already rounded. The difference between the size of the head and torso is small. The head looks up.

Three pairs of legs and wings are arranged symmetrically. Between the second and third legs on one side and on the other, mark the wings. They run at an angle of 45 degrees. Draw their outline with a hard pencil. You can create streaks inside the wings with a pencil, or leave the wings like this. Use strokes to add volume to the body and head, leaving a spot of light on the body.

The body and head of the insect are made of three ovals

Flies are different. The heroine of this picture can consist of three ovals. The first is the head. It is slightly smaller than the other two. These are parts of her body. Draw the insect in profile. The head is on the right. To the left of it, draw an oval 3 times larger. Close to it - another one - the same size. The wings of this specimen are located between these two body parts. Since the fly is in profile, place one wing above the other. They go almost horizontally, slightly rising upward.

From this angle, only 3 legs of the insect are visible. One goes down from the middle of the head, the second is located between 2 and 3 ovals. The third comes out from the middle of the 3rd.

Add volume with strokes. The fly drawing is ready.
