How To Draw A Bulldog

How To Draw A Bulldog
How To Draw A Bulldog

Table of contents:


If you want to learn how to paint animals, try drawing an English Bulldog. His expressive muzzle, the abundance of folds on the skin, color transitions of the coat will be an excellent training for the artist. Choose suitable materials such as acrylic paints. They will make it possible to experiment with shades and their saturation, making the drawing lively and voluminous.

How to draw a bulldog
How to draw a bulldog

It is necessary

  • - thick smooth paper for drawing;
  • - pencil;
  • - rubber;
  • - sample photo;
  • - acrylic paints;
  • - palette;
  • - brushes of various widths.


Step 1

Select a song. Try drawing a bulldog lying, sitting, or standing. If you plan to focus on the animal's face, choose an angle that brings the head as close as possible to the viewer.

Step 2

Take a close look at postcards and photographs depicting the English Bulldog. Pay attention to the features of his physique, the location of the skin folds, the expression of the muzzle. The thoroughbred bulldog has extensive hanging flews, a well-fed, but proportional body with a wide bone, short smooth hair of different shades of white, beige and brown.

Step 3

Make a pencil sketch. Depict a dog with its muzzle towards the viewer. To make the drawing more accurate, you will need a corresponding photograph as a reference. Erase the extra lines, and outline the main outline with sharper strokes of the pencil.

Step 4

Use a wide natural bristle brush to paint blue paint and apply it with uneven broad strokes on the upper part of the face. Paint the lower part brown. Moisten the brush with water and blend the colored strokes, achieving uniformity and transparency of the shades. The result is a subtle "watercolor" effect. Dry the background before proceeding.

Step 5

On the palette, mix brown and yellow paints for a warm beige tone. Dip a medium-thick synthetic bristle brush in the paint. Carefully paint over the figure of the dog, without going beyond the contours of the drawing.

Step 6

Dampen a flat brush with water and paint on gray paint. Place a strip of shadow under the dog's head, marking the ears, eyelids and folds of skin near the mouth. Using a thin brush, take some white and draw rounded lines next to the black strokes representing the skin folds on the face. Draw a wide white stripe on the forehead, put a rounded spot on the chest and paint over the tips of the front paws.

Step 7

Use a damp brush to blend the edges of the spots. Let the acrylic dry. Moisten a thin round brush with a dark gray paint and use thin lines to trace the folds on the face, add color to the ears and eyes. Draw the claws for the front paws. Draw beige paint on a dry brush and lightly brush it over the head and body of the bulldog, imitating the pattern of the fur.
