How To Make A Sunset In Photoshop

How To Make A Sunset In Photoshop
How To Make A Sunset In Photoshop

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If you have beautiful landscape photos, but you still have not managed to photograph not a daytime, but a sunset landscape, you do not have to wait for the right time of day to repeat the shots - you can turn an ordinary daytime photo into a beautiful sunset frame if you use Adobe Photoshop.

How to make a sunset in Photoshop
How to make a sunset in Photoshop


Step 1

First, open a photo of a clear sunny day in Photoshop and duplicate the main layer (Duplicate Layer), and then, if desired, rename the new layer and go to the Image menu. Select the Adjustments> Photofilter section. A window for editing a photo filter will open - select the warming filter from the offered list of filters (85), and then click OK.

Step 2

Set the density of the filter to 100%, and also check the "Maintain glow" box. The photo after the filter is applied will take on a warm sunset hue.

Step 3

Now you need to finalize the image - open the Image -> Adjustments -> Brightness / Contrast menu section, and in the window that opens, set the brightness parameter to -25, and the contrast to +50. Click OK. The photo will become richer and clearer. Now on the top layer click the eye icon to temporarily make the layer invisible and go to the bottom layer where the original photo is located.

Step 4

From the Image menu select the Adjustments -> Selective Color option. Set the values of luminosity and intensity of colors to 100, uncheck the Neutralize box, and specify the original photo as the source - the bottom layer. For the layer, select the duplicated layer that you edited above.

Step 5

Click OK, then make the top layer visible again by setting the eye icon on it and add a mask to the top layer (Add Layer Mask). In mask mode, select the Linear Gradient Tool with a transition from base black to transparent, check the Invert box, and then drag a gradient from the center of the photo to its bottom edge.

Step 6

Merge the layers (Flatten Image), then open the Channels palette, make the blue channel active, and open the Curves window. Offset the blue channel curve just below the origin, then hit OK and save the image.