How To Make Carved Candles

How To Make Carved Candles
How To Make Carved Candles

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Carved candles are used at weddings, Christmas trees, Easter holidays. If you find it difficult to choose a gift for Valentine's Day or for an anniversary, then this is the very perfect gift. Depending on the means and goals, stock up on cosmetic paraffin or wax. Remember that cooling wax requires nimbleness and some acquired skill. By following the instructions, you will quickly master the art of carved candles.

How to make carved candles
How to make carved candles


Step 1

Create a blank for the future carved candle. It doesn't matter if you decide to use pure wax or paraffin, or whether you want to give the candle the shape of a star or a cylinder.

Step 2

Prepare deep enough melted wax baths. You will pour wax of a certain color into each bath. Make sure that the baths can be constantly heated or kept at a stable temperature. The optimum wax temperature should be around 90 degrees. Practice feeling the temperature of the heated wax by touch so you don't waste time measuring it later.

Step 3

Remember that higher temperatures tend to form thinner layers. You can overlay more of them and create a complex pattern at the cut. A lower temperature will allow you to make thicker layers if necessary, reduce the number of layers and produce a simple pattern.

Step 4

Now, armed with basic knowledge, repeatedly immerse the blank of the future carved candle in tanks with wax of the color you need. This procedure is simple enough, but it takes agility. Attach the workpiece to a piece of wire and periodically lower it into containers of different colors. Pause between two baths to allow the previous layer to dry. You can speed up the process - dip the workpiece in cold water after the next dipping in hot wax. Attention: do not wait for the previous layer of the carved candle to completely freeze. This will lead to the fact that you will then not be able to cut the candle.

Step 5

Move on to cutting the candle. This is the main and short-term procedure. You will have about 15 minutes to finish your candle cutting in a quality and beautiful way. The problem is that you won't have time to experiment with the design. Therefore, in any case, do not be discouraged if the first attempt to make an original carved candle fails. If you wish, practice your cutting skills on workpieces that have not yet been painted. Just preheat them to a plastic state with a hair dryer or in the microwave. The main condition is not to overheat the wax.

Step 6

Cut out a small, small basin at the top of the candle for the wick. Make an even cut of the base to keep the candle firmly on a flat surface.
