Such Different Plants

Such Different Plants
Such Different Plants

Among the many plants, there are those that are remembered for something special. Some are simply pleasing to the eye, others surprise, and still others feed.

Such different plants
Such different plants

It turns out that there are also predatory representatives in the plant world. So, darlingtonia refers to insectivorous plants. Insects caught in its trap leaves can no longer get out. They dissolve in the digestive juices of the plant. Thus, Darlingtonia receives the necessary nutrients. This view will be appreciated only by avid collectors and exotic lovers. After all, the plant is predatory, does not grow in the open field and is very picky about growing conditions.

Unlike predatory darlingtonia, bear onion is a very harmless plant. Its leaves serve as a source of vitamins for both humans and animals in early spring. Another name for the plant is wild garlic. The wild garlic bulb is small; as the plant ages, it sinks into the soil. In the first months of spring, two folded leaves grow from the bulb, and then a peduncle, under the cover of which a hemispherical inflorescence is hidden. The inflorescence and flowers are nothing special, but in early spring, when there is still no lush grass, wild garlic bushes with beautiful large leaves and festive white flowers look very beautiful.

And such a plant as the Corydalis got its name for the bizarre flower shape. Most people are familiar with Corydalis. These spring ephemeroids are ubiquitous in forests, parks and city squares.

Flowers that have become a symbol are also found in the plant environment. Beautiful edelweiss have earned the fame of a symbol of happiness and love. The men bravely procured flowers from the steep cliffs for their beloved. The leaves of wonderful plants, due to the thick felt pubescence, appear snow-white from above, and the inflorescence itself looks like one very beautiful flower made of felt.
