Gold, albeit in small quantities, is available in many rivers and streams of Russia. However, finding it is still quite difficult. Moreover, without an agreement with a gold mining company, it is prohibited to engage in artisanal mining in our country. Therefore, many citizens who want to earn extra money would like to learn how to make gold at home. This metal can be obtained, for example, from usually gravel. It contains gold in an atomic form.

It is necessary
- - buckets;
- - fine mesh filter;
- - gravel;
- - two bottles of electrolyte;
- - half a bottle of Whiteness;
- - chlorine tin for testing;
- - inkstone;
- - nitric acid for gold purification;
- - writing paper for the filter;
- - hose;
- - syringe;
- - gas-burner.
Step 1
So how to make gold out of earth? Pick up 6-9 buckets of gravel (about 300 kg). You can take any land. Atomic gold is everywhere. But it is better to collect gravel not far from some gold-bearing deposit.
Step 2
Pour water into the bucket. Take a thick cloth and start filtering the gravel through it in small portions. The end result should be a very saturated earthen solution. On top of it, foam will be noticeable - dissolved salts, which need to be disposed of.
Step 3
Add about a glass of electrolyte to the solution. This step is optional. However, with the use of an electrolyte, you can end up with more gold. The fact is that the latter is contained in the soil in the form of very small scales. Due to the adhesion of dirt particles to them, they very slowly settle to the bottom (within a few days). With an electrolyte, the answer to the question of how to make gold for free will be easier, since the precipitation process will go much faster.
Step 4
Leave the earthen solution with electrolyte to settle for a day. After a day, remove excess liquid from the bucket using a hose. Pour a bottle of electrolyte and half a bottle of Whiteness into it.
Step 5
If you want to learn how to make gold through such an experiment and not get hurt, follow the safety precautions. Add electrolyte and whiteness to a bucket somewhere in the garden or even in an open field. The reaction of these two substances gives a very strong smell, and the vapors released during it are harmful to health. Wear a respirator to avoid poisoning. Close the bucket itself with a lid.
Step 6
Once the reaction is over, filter the gold solution through a very fine filter. You should end up with a perfectly clear orange liquid. Gold can be distinguished from it.
Step 7
Check for gold in the solution. Drop some tin chloride into it. Darkening of the liquid while stirring with drops indicates the presence of gold. Evaporate the resulting orange solution to approximately 1 liter. Filter it again.
Step 8
So, we got a clean, concentrated solution. So how do you make gold out of it? In order to obtain this precious metal, pour iron sulfate into the solution until it darkens strongly. Wait for a precipitate to settle. Collect excess fluid with a syringe. Filter the sediment through writing paper. Alloy the resulting gold mass together with the filter using a burner. Toss the resulting piece of gold into nitric acid for cleaning.