How To Make A Cord

How To Make A Cord
How To Make A Cord

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Beaded cords often serve as the basis for necklaces, earrings and bracelets. With an ornament or plain, woven into an intricate pattern or simply wound several times around the neck, thick or thin, these ornaments add sophistication to the appearance and attract with their originality. The main resource for making a cord is the patience of the master.

How to make a cord
How to make a cord

It is necessary

  • Beads of different colors;
  • Two fine needles for beads;
  • Strong threads (lavsan);
  • Clasp.


Step 1

Put the needles on the two ends of the thread about 60-70 cm long. On one needle, take four beads and stretch to the middle of the thread.

Step 2

Use the second needle to go through the last bead you collected to make a square (or "cross").

Step 3

On the first thread, cast on two beads again. On the second, put one on and go through the last bead of the first thread to make the second square. This will result in three rows, in each of which the beads look with holes in one direction.

Step 4

Weave in this technique a chain of the desired length.

Step 5

On the last "cross" type on the second needle one bead, on the first two. Pass the first needle through the bead on the second needle to make a "twist".

Step 6

Cast on the second needle three beads. With the first needle, go through the last bead, you get the next "cross".

Step 7

Place two beads on the first needle. Pass the second one through the bead from the dialed chain and through the last bead of the first needle. It turns out that you have braided two squares to the side of the original chain.

Step 8

Repeat the operation, swapping the needles. Weave the continuation of the chain. On the last square, make a turn as in the fifth step of the instruction.

Step 9

Weave the third row of squares.

Step 10

Connect the extreme rows of the chain with a new thread, first, dial the bead in the middle of the thread, with the first needle go through the side bead of the lower square on one side. With the second needle, pass through the side bead in a mirror image. Put the bead on the first thread, go through it with the second needle. Pass the side beads of the outermost squares.

Step 11

Continue stringing one bead at a time and going through the edges of the chain, rounding it to the end. Hide the ends of the threads.

Step 12

Take one needle and, leaving the tip 10-15 cm, go through one of the beads, looking with a hole along the cord. Secure the thread by passing again. Put on a new bead and go to the next bead of the square. One more new bead and into the next square bead. So until the end of the cord.

Step 13

Do the same for the other three sides of the cord to give it a hard and “square” cross-section. Hide the ends of the threads by weaving into beads.

Step 14

Sew on the clasps. You can wear it as a bracelet (if the chain is short) or as a bead wrapped around your neck.
