How To Draw Shoes

How To Draw Shoes
How To Draw Shoes

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As a rule, to create any drawing, at least basic knowledge and skills in this area are required. But even a person who is not familiar with the technique of making drawings of this kind can draw shoes. Having learned how to draw shoes, you can move on to more complex subjects.

How to draw shoes
How to draw shoes

It is necessary

  • -pencil;
  • -eraser;
  • -footwear;
  • - pencils or paints.


Step 1

Before starting work, decide what kind of shoes you will draw. It can be shoes of different styles and colors, summer or winter shoes. Also decide how many pairs of shoes will be in your drawing, or it will be one shoe. Look online or in magazines for pictures of these shoes.

Step 2

Having found a picture that suits you, print it or leave it on the monitor screen so that it is constantly in sight when you draw shoes. Choose crisp images that are easy to convey on paper.

Step 3

Before starting, take a good look at the picture, trying to highlight the main lines and contours of the depicted objects. Take a piece of paper and a pencil and try to transfer the main outlines to your own drawing. Act slowly and slowly. Focus on studying the drawing from which you are redrawing the shoe. Next, draw additional features of the objects. At this stage, try not to pay attention to the various small details.

Step 4

When the basic outline of the subject has already been drawn, once again carefully consider the original image and take up the application of small details of the shoe. Here you can fantasize a little.

Step 5

The shoes in the picture should be voluminous and bright enough. Use different shades. The neighborhood of warm and cold tones will make the drawing more lively and realistic. Do not forget about your own and falling from the subject of the shadow. If you are working with a brush, apply strokes in different directions, according to the shape of the object. If the choice fell on pencils, hatch, focusing on the plane of the shoe.
