The word "pylon", like many architectural terms, comes from Greece. Literally translated, it means "gate." However, for the first time, such architectural details were used not in Greece, but in Ancient Egypt. Pylons can still be seen near religious buildings. Now this term is used not only in architecture, but also in aircraft construction.

The ancient Egyptian pylon is a massive structure in the shape of a truncated pyramid. The Egyptians placed such pyramids near the entrances to the temples. The very first architectural structures of this type appeared in the era of the Middle Kingdom, more than two millennia BC. They looked luxurious and had to talk about the power and greatness of the pharaohs. The most skilled craftsmen decorated the pylons with reliefs telling about the merits of the rulers. In terms of the plan, the most ancient pylons are elongated rectangles. The entrance to the Egyptian temple was usually quite narrow, but the tall truncated pyramids on the sides gave it solemnity.
From the entrances to the temples, the pylons eventually migrated to palaces and parks. Their appearance has also changed, they have become lower and thicker. They were placed on both sides of the front entrance to the park or palace. In the ancient world, such structures were especially popular. In the Middle Ages, such designs became less popular, but did not disappear from everyday life. They began to be widely used in the era of classicism. This style draws heavily on antique designs. In the era of the domination of classicism, the most enlightened people considered antiquity to be perfect, therefore porticoes, columns, Roman and Greek sculpture again came into fashion. Classic pylons appeared at the front entrances to European estates. Quite a few structures of this kind have appeared in Russia as well.
During the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the word "pylon" acquired another meaning. So they began to call massive trapezoidal supports of vaulted ceilings and bridges. Such pylons appeared in the palaces of Italian nobles. They still exist - for example, vaults of metro stations often rely on pylons.
The pylon migrated from architecture to aircraft construction. This term was called the supporting structure for the installation of large out-of-range parts - for example, a wing or an engine. Aviation pylon designs vary. In some cases, it is a monoblock, but it can also be a truss with a non-power sheathing. Mixed options are also acceptable. Most often, such pylons are made in the form of trapeziums or parallelepipeds. They are also used for attaching external cargo to the aircraft - for example, weapons.
Not so long ago, this term has another meaning. The pylon was the name for a dance facility in nightclubs. It is a vertical tube around which dances or acrobatic stunts are performed.