How To Make A Camomile From Balloons

How To Make A Camomile From Balloons
How To Make A Camomile From Balloons

Balloons are always associated with the holiday, it is easy to imagine what delight flowers created from them with the help of your own hands and a simple twisting method can cause. All you need is a creative approach and many, many "sausage balls".

How to make a daisy out of balloons
How to make a daisy out of balloons

Before you start making chamomile from balloons, you need to decide on your needs and capabilities. If you need to build a lot of daisies, think about the colors you will use in advance. The presence of an ordinary hand pump will greatly facilitate your work.

Flower from balls. What should you pay attention to?

At first glance, it may seem that making flowers from balls is very simple, however, as in any other business, there are some little tricks here. The most important thing when twisting any ball products, including stylized daisies, is to make sure that all the necessary twisting is done with one hand. This is very important, and your movements should be performed in a certain direction, which should not be changed during the manufacture of the product: either all the twists are made "from yourself" or "towards yourself". So, with one hand, you must hold the elements of your future flower, and with the other, perform all twisting manipulations. By adhering to this simple rule, you can be sure that your product does not fall apart at the most inopportune moment, otherwise everything will have to start over.

Chamomile from balls - sausages. Manufacturing technology

From balls - sausages, you can make not only chamomile, but also other flowers. Detailed information and videos can be easily found on the Internet.

The most suitable option for a beginner is to make a flower from three "sausage balls". In this case, a green ball will play the role of a stem, and the flower itself can be made from any bright balls. For example, if you want to make exactly a chamomile, then it is advisable to use white.

So, first, inflate the green balloon, while keeping in mind that the end of the balloon should be about 10 cm free. Now you can start making the leaves. To do this, bend the green ball in the form of a kind of snake and gently twist the places where the leaves are attached to the stem. After that, take the "sausage ball" by the end on which the knot is tied. Use your finger to gently press it into the ball. While holding the knot inside the ball, twist it in this place to secure it in place. You will see that you have got a kind of "tulip", which will serve as the core for the future flower.

If you use two balls of different colors in the manufacture of chamomile petals, you can achieve an unusual, brighter result.

Now take a ball of a different color, intended for making petals. Visually divide the "sausage" into three equal parts, each of which will soon turn into petals. They need to be formed and, carefully twisted, fixed. It is quite simple to do this: hold the ball with one hand, and rotate each of the petals around its base with the other. Perform the same manipulations with another ball. As a result, you will have two blank petals. They need to be carefully connected together.

The final step in making a flower is threading the core. To do this, take a green blank and push the "tulip" located at the end of the stem into the middle of the flower. That's it, you have a chamomile with six petals. From such unusual flowers, you can make an extraordinary bouquet or attach them to the wall, creating a wonderful festive panel.
