How To Sew A Clown Costume

How To Sew A Clown Costume
How To Sew A Clown Costume

Table of contents:


The circus clown is truly a favorite of children of all generations. Something funny happens to him all the time. And he himself is a great master of various jokes. A clown can appear at a matinee in kindergarten, at a carnival and even at a home party. You can bring joy to your home or kindergarten yourself. But for this you need to dress your hero in a suit befitting his character.

How to sew a clown costume
How to sew a clown costume

It is necessary

  • - variegated fabric for pants;
  • - white fabric for the collar;
  • - plain fabric for a blouse;
  • - a wide silk ribbon or strip of fabric;
  • - foam rubber;
  • - red gouache;
  • - a piece of thin elastic band;
  • - patterns of pants, blouse and collar
  • - several large buttons;;
  • - 6 small buttons;
  • - lace or sewing;
  • - multi-colored pom-poms;
  • - bright leggings or knee-highs;
  • - thick paper;
  • - compasses;
  • - ruler;
  • - pencil;
  • - glue;
  • - scissors;
  • - sewing machine, needles, threads.


Step 1

Rummage through the closets. It is very possible that there is something suitable there. You need a wide plain blouse, wide colorful pants, colored knee socks or leggings and something like a cap. The amount of work in this case can be somewhat reduced.

Step 2

Start with a blouse. Choose a pattern slightly larger than the size you want. Clowns usually wear fairly loose costumes, so measurements aren't particularly important. It is desirable that the style be without small parts and without fasteners. As a last resort, sew a zipper in the back. Stitch side and shoulder seams, sew on sleeves and finish hem. Sew a few large buttons on the front. The buttons can be different. You can sheathe them with multi-colored pieces of fabric. Sew small buttons along the neckline: 2 for each sleeve, 2 for the back and 2 for the shelf on opposite sides of the fastener

Step 3

A wide collar like a musketeer is very suitable for a clown blouse. It can be removable. To construct a pattern, measure the neck and calculate the radius of its circle. Draw a circle of the appropriate size. Determine the width of the collar by eye and draw another circle from the same center. Draw a radius. From the point of its intersection with the inner circle, set aside 2 cm in each direction. Along the outer circle, set aside 4 cm in each side. Connect the points on both circles in pairs with straight lines.

Step 4

Cut out the pattern and transfer it to a double-folded white fabric. Don't forget about allowances. Fold the collar pieces right-side up. Insert lace or sewing between layers. Baste and stitch, leaving the top edge open. Turn the collar inside out and iron it.

Step 5

On the seamy side, mark the places for 6 loops. They should match the small buttons on the blouse. Cut and overcast the buttonholes. Drive the allowances in and sew the seam on the right side.

Step 6

Sew the pants. Choose a pattern of the simplest style, without a fastener. Pajama pants, for example, will work. The length is not particularly important. Pants should cover a little over knee socks or leggings.

Step 7

Clown hats are also different. Maybe you have an old hat or cap. It remains only to attach a larger flower to it. If you don't find anything suitable, make a cap. Cut out a semicircle from a thick sheet of paper, the radius of which is equal to the height of the cap. Roll it into a bag so that the sharp part coincides with the center of the semicircle. Try on your head and cut off any excess paper. Sew or glue the back seam. Cover the hat with a cloth and decorate it with a pompom or tassel.

Step 8

Any boots or sneakers are suitable as footwear, regardless of the style. Some clowns have very large legs, it is tempting to take larger boots. But don't forget that the clown has to move. Therefore, it is better to take your own shoes and make pads on them or sew pom-poms to the laces.

Step 9

A clown needs a red nose. You can paint over the tip of the nose with makeup. But you can make the necessary parts from foam rubber. Cut a circle 5-6 cm in diameter from a piece of thick foam rubber. Paint it red. Sew the edges with a thick needle and sturdy woolen thread and pull together. Cut off the excess. Sew on the elastic. Try on your nose. He should sit with his nostrils open. Tighten the elastic if necessary. Cut a piece of ribbon for your tie, or cut a strip of the appropriate length out of silk fabric. Neaten the edges.
