How To Play The Guitar

How To Play The Guitar
How To Play The Guitar

Table of contents:


Playing the guitar is not difficult. All that is required for this is just the tool itself and a little skill. There are many ways to play the guitar, it all depends on the musician himself and his styles. Many guitarists use their own techniques. Let's dwell on the main ones.

How to play the guitar
How to play the guitar


Step 1

Learn to brute force. This is a very beautiful technique. Quite often, guitarists accompany arpeggios to lyric songs. There are many variations of this technique. The simplest search is as follows: 4, 3, 2, 1. The numbers indicate the numbers of the strings. You can also add a bass string instead of a fourth string. The bass string will be different for each chord. This is usually the 6th or 5th string. After practicing simple iteration, move on to more complex arpeggios. Multiple intros are played with an eight-note arpeggio. This enumeration looks like this: bass, 4, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4. So you are plucking eight strings.

Step 2

Strike your guitar. This is the most common technique used by guitarists. With it, you can convey the sound of various instruments in the song that you play. For example, with the help of a beat, you can show the sound of a drum rhythm, bass guitar, guitar rhythm. An elementary way to play is to hit the strings up and down with your index finger. Start your practice with it. Then go to the muting element. You can muffle the strings on a guitar with the edge of your palm and thumb.

Step 3

Hit the string with your index finger down, then up. Now mute the strings with your thumb downward. With the edge of your hand, you can muffle the strings in the same way. The advantage of edge muting is obvious: without breaking the general rhythm, you can muffle the strings at any time. When muffling with your thumb, you need to control the rhythm.

Step 4

Alternate busting and guitar fighting. Quite often, a guitarist plucks a bass or other string with his thumb and then strikes. This technique is used when playing chanson. Some songs also contain alternation elements. For example, a verse is played by brute-force, the chorus is played by a fight. There is an alternation within a verse or chorus. Practice different fighting techniques and arpeggios for abrupt changes in techniques within the same song. If you do it well, listeners will be amazed at your music and the way you play.
