Everyone knows about the Rubik's cube, and it has long been a good way to train mental activity, logic and motor activity. Much fewer people know that there is a Rubik's snake - no less exciting and interesting puzzle that you can either buy in the store or make yourself out of wood, getting a lot of fun from the different configurations and shapes that it can take. Unlike the cube, Rubik's snake is a simpler puzzle, and therefore it is liked by many children and adults.

Step 1
To make a Rubik's Snake, you need a square block of wood from which you will cut 24 triangular isosceles prisms.
Step 2
Insert a drill with a diameter of 1, 5-2, 5 mm into the drill and, drawing a block into squares, drill a through hole in each square. The holes must be mutually perpendicular to each other.
Step 3
After all the holes are drilled, cut the block diagonally lengthwise to create two long, narrow triangular prisms, and then divide each prism into 12 short modules. This will end up with 24 small prisms.
Step 4
Sand them with fine sandpaper, then paint one half of the elements one color and the other half the other.
Step 5
You will need a sturdy rubber band to assemble the elements. If the cross-section of the bar was no more than 25 mm, you can simply stretch the elastic through the holes of the parts, placing the parts in a strip, alternating colors one by one.
Step 6
Tie metal rings at the ends of the elastic to secure the structure. With larger snake modules, they can be connected with screws with rubber shock absorbers.
Step 7
The number of figures that can be obtained by folding the snake in various ways exceeds a million. Start with simple and intuitive shapes, and then, as you understand the puzzle assembly strategy, move on to more complex shapes, try to create beautiful symmetrical shapes with different numbers of faces.