With the help of ordinary theatrical makeup or special paints, you can paint yourself, your friends or children the face of a real clown. All you need is bright colors and your imagination.

It is necessary
Make-up, underwater pencil, powder
Step 1
Buy theatrical make-up or special paints from specialty stores that specialize in carnival costumes, party supplies, and generally for stage performances. You can also use ordinary cosmetics - black underwater pencil, bright lipstick, eye shadow, powder.
Step 2
Choose a clown make-up as a sample. You can see the images on the Internet. Prepare all the materials you need. Apply foundation or regular baby cream to your face before use. The foundation will help even out the overall complexion of your complexion (unless you cover your face with white makeup). The presence of a cream on the face will help to remove the make-up drawing later.
Step 3
If the base of the clown mask is white, then apply white makeup to the entire surface of the face in even layers using a piece of foam rubber. You can then outline the boundaries of the white mask with a black underwater pencil. If there is no white mask, then draw yourself the main elements with a black pencil.
Step 4
Examine the sample clown face drawing. As a rule, they are all drawn in the same way - they are eye outlines, red nose, lip outlines, raised eyebrows. The presence of round small cheeks, tears, stars and other trifles is also possible. It is permissible to make not just a stroke - a circle around the eye - but draw an asterisk, an oval, a sun, and so on around the eye.
Step 5
Also increase the size of the lips with a stroke. You can draw eyebrows with a house, an arc, ovals, you can simply designate them with circles. The nose can be made in different sizes - just a circle at the tip, a triangle from tip to bridge, or you can also capture the nostrils.
Step 6
When the drawing is done with a pencil, paint over the indicated areas. Usually everything is done in one tone or in several bright colors. For example - the eyes are blue, the nose and lips are red, the cheeks are pink or orange. Paint over these areas with a small piece of foam rubber, a brush or a cotton swab. You can use the tip of your finger, just wipe it periodically on a napkin.
Step 7
When the color is applied, take the powder and cover your face with a light layer of white powder. To do this, take a piece of cotton wool or a special disc and lightly pat the powder on your face. It will provide you with a slight matte finish, and when you sweat, your make-up will not shine brightly and flow. Use a black underwater pencil to correct the stroke lines if necessary. The clown's face is ready!