The tonality of A major is considered comfortable by pianists. Guitarists classify it as medium difficulty key. There are only three key signs in A major, so a person who has mastered the basics of musical notation can easily cope with reading music.

Diagram of the structure of the major scale
All major keys are constructed according to the same formula: 2 tones - semitone, 3 tones - semitone. The same formula can be written differently, at intervals: 2b-2b-2m-2b-2b-2b-2m. Build an A major scale according to one of the proposed schemes. If you already know how to play the piano a little, then remember that there is a semitone distance between adjacent keys, regardless of their color.
How to build a scale in A major
Find the sound "la" on the keyboard. Set aside a distance of 1 tone from this key. This will be the note "si". The next key, one tone away from "B", will be black - this is "C sharp". Having completed the scale according to this scheme, you will get the following scale: A, B, C sharp, D, E, F sharp, G sharp, A. You will get the same result by plotting a certain interval from each sound, that is, a large or a small second. Between the sounds "A" and "B" there is a large second, between "B" and "C-sharp" - the same, but between "C-sharp" and "D" - a small second.
Determination of the number of characters in a quarter-fifth circle
Determining the number of key characters is very easy with a quarter-fifth circle. You can do it yourself. Sometimes it is drawn in the form of a spiral, but for a beginner, it is enough to learn how to calculate only 12 tonalities, so the easiest way is to imagine a quarter-fifth circle in the form of a clock face. In place of the “12” mark, write “C major”, aka C-dur. Clockwise, sharp keys are located as the number of key characters increases, counterclockwise - flat, also as the number of characters increases. Count the fifth up from the "C" sound. This is the fifth step of the C major key, that is, the "G" sound. Where the number “1” would appear on the dial, write “G major” and put one sharp. In notes, it will be F sharp. Where the number “2” is on the watch, write the name of the next key. To find it, count the fifth up again, but this time from the sound "G". This will be the "re" sound. Write the name of the key, put in two sharps. You can designate them - F-sharp and C-sharp. Determine which key name will be in the third circle. By counting the fifth from the D key, you will get the A sound, and accordingly, the key will be in A major, in Latin notation - A-dur. Accordingly, it has three sharp points - F-sharp, C-sharp and D-sharp. This way you can complete the first half of the quarter-fifth circle.
Other keys
As for the keys, the names of which will be located counterclockwise, then you can also determine them yourself, only from the original sound you need to build up not a fifth, but a fourth. Putting aside this interval from the sound "to", you get "fa", then "B-flat", "E-flat", etc. You can also determine the number of signs in another way, because the circle is called quarto-fifth for a reason. To find the next sharp key, you can count the fourth up and the flat one down. Do not forget that in this case pure intervals are used, that is, the fourth is 2.5 tones, and the fifth is 3.5 tones.