Butakov's stove quickly heats up the room and gives off heat for a long time. It is very lightweight and easy to install. It can be installed without a foundation. However, a competent installation will require serious attention.

Step 1
Fire hazards must be eliminated first. Protect walls and furniture from the stove with non-combustible materials. You can get by with sheets of asbestos cardboard and galvanized iron. Nail the sheets to the walls and floor. First cardboard, then iron. Fix to walls with screws. Instead of a foundation, just put curb stones under the stove. If income allows, then you can buy a fireproof "minrit". It will replace both iron sheets and asbestos board.
Step 2
When you have prepared a place for the stove, cut a square hole in the ceiling. This place will also be fire hazardous, therefore, in the hole, along the walls of the ceiling, lay basalt cardboard. Fill the top with galvanized strips. You should get a neat metal box.
Step 3
Insert the chopping box into it. The hole needs to be cut out 3 cm more, since you still need to leave an air space of 1.5 cm. Here is the passage and is ready.
Step 4
When installing the stove on a stone, balance must be achieved. Then install a gate damper into the smoke hole. Seal the joints with thermosealant. You can install a hot water tank - it will come in handy.
Step 5
The gate valve, pipes and tank must be connected correctly. The upper tube must be inserted into the lower one. This is done to ensure that the condensate in the future flows down without obstacles. And you can protect the room from smoke by sealing the joints and using sandwich pipes. Sandwich pipes are of course more expensive, but they will reduce condensation.
Step 6
The first meter from the stove is an ordinary pipe. It is not necessary for the sandwich to interfere with putting on the gate. Now put the tank on the gate, coat with sealant. The sandwich pipe will go into the top pipe of the tank. Be sure to close the bottom of the sandwich with a plug. It is recommended to calculate the length of the pipes in such a way that the joints do not fall on the floors. The cutting is laid with basalt wool.
Step 7
Cut a circular hole in the roof. Use a jigsaw. Then everything is simple. Fasten the "skirt" on the pipe in the roof. Let the skirt go under the ridge, because rain should not fall into the hole. Put a kerchief ring on the pipe - it will close the gap between the skirt and the pipe. Put the head on top of the pipe. The edges of the skirt can be foamed to keep rain out of the side. Installation is complete.