How To Plant Ranunculus Outdoors

How To Plant Ranunculus Outdoors
How To Plant Ranunculus Outdoors

Many gardeners grow ranunculus for its extraordinary beauty and unpretentiousness. Proper cultivation always starts with proper planting. How to plant ranunculus outdoors in spring?

How to plant ranunculus outdoors
How to plant ranunculus outdoors

Ranunculus is a bulbous flower that has a small height (on average 30-40 cm) and flowers are yellow, pink or red. Moreover, the flowers themselves reach no more than 4-5 cm in diameter.

Ranunculus, like other bulbous plants, is dug up and stored for the winter. Then these bulbs are planted at home in special containers. This will allow them to bloom much earlier than expected.

With the onset of warm days, ranunculus begin to prepare for planting in open ground. All dried and damaged bulbs are discarded and leave the healthiest ones. Then they choose a place for planting these flowers. Ranunculus prefers to grow in a sunny location that is protected from direct northerly winds. It is also necessary to take into account that the soil is well-drained and fertile. Therefore, when preparing the planting pit, humus, peat, rotted manure, mineral fertilizers and so on are poured into it. You need to make phosphorus and nitrogen complex fertilizers, on average, 30-40 g per 1 sq. m.

The bulbs themselves have a very bizarre shape and resemble bananas. They also need to be prepared for planting in open ground. To do this, ranunculus bulbs are soaked in warm water for a day. The next day, you can already start planting. The bulbs are planted to a depth of about 6 cm at a distance of 7-8 cm from each other with a branchy end up.

Ranunculus requires a lot of moisture throughout its growth. Therefore, you need to water it regularly. Ranunculus blooms in early summer. At the end of August, it is already being dug up for storage. But in the southern regions of our country this is not necessary. For the winter, it is enough just to sprinkle the plantings with mulch, with a layer of about 5 cm.

Ranunculus will delight any sophisticated grower with its flowering and is ideal for creating original bouquets.
