In 2004, the animated series "Winx Club - School of Fairies" was released on television, the heroines of which - sixteen-year-old girls - immediately fell in love with the public. The Winx dolls that appeared later on sale were a serious competitor to Barbie herself and are still a welcome gift for any girl.
It is necessary
- doll from the Winx series
- watching several episodes of the animated film "Winx Club - School of Sorceresses"
Step 1
The animated series shows us the story of a simple teenage girl Bloom, who discovers the magic of Winx. Once in the school of magic, she, with her newly-made friends - Stella, Flora, Muse and Tekna, creates the Winx Club, combining the magical abilities of girls to fight evil that appears on different planets in different dimensions. Later, Leila joins her friends, whose planet the Winx also helped. The plot of the animated series gives many variations for their embodiment in game scenes.
Step 2
It is the six Winx fairies that make up the main game series of dolls, each of which has its own abilities. In addition, fairies are avid fashionistas, and each dress has its own nuances. Girls choose a fairy and play a role in accordance with her role and abilities in the cartoon.
Step 3
Bloom owns the magic of fire and light. Her clothes are dominated by blue, blue, red and purple. Stella "manages" the magic of the sun and moon, loves to dress in yellow. Flora uses the magic of nature, she is most often in green and pink. Muse owns musical magic, controlling the energy of a sound wave. Her favorite colors are red, purple, blue, white. Techna fights with the help of technomagic, having power over all technological devices. She prefers to dress in purple and black. Leila's gift is the magic of liquids, including the control of the Morfix liquid that can take any shape. Favorite colors: green and brown.
Step 4
The Winx doll series is extremely diverse. It presents both simple models (budget) and equipped with removable wings ("Biliviks"), capable of producing color music. With such dolls, the game becomes closer to the original Winx story and more interesting. And after removing the wings of the dolls, you can "use" as ordinary women of fashion, dressing them up in outfits corresponding to magical "beliefs".
Step 5
The sizes of Winx dolls are different. Some correspond to the already familiar "Barbie" format, so both Barbie outfits and a standard dollhouse are suitable for playing with Winx. It is very convenient to forget for a while about the difficult missions associated with saving worlds, and switch to the usual dressing up in order to select the most interesting wardrobe.
Step 6
There is a Winx series "Urban Girls" (doll height 12 cm), "Fashion Party" (28 cm), "Fairy Ballerina" (27 cm), a series of 28-centimeter dolls - "Denim", "At a concert", "Charmix "," Sofiks ", the" Magic Pet "series, where her little friend comes with the doll in the set, the road series" Incredible Adventures "- all the varieties of Winx cannot be enumerated. Such a variety provides ample opportunities for creating game stories with the participation of fairies, limited only by the imagination of young Winx lovers.