How To Sew A Sling

How To Sew A Sling
How To Sew A Sling

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A sling or sling is a modern interpretation of the oldest carrying device. At the same time, a modern sling remains one of the most convenient and affordable means that free the mother's hands. A baby in a sling can lie or sit depending on the model and how the sling is tied. A sling can be purchased at most mum stores, but it's much more enjoyable to sew one yourself. The easiest to manufacture is a sling scarf.

How to sew a sling
How to sew a sling

It is necessary

  • - fabric for a sling (dense jersey, calico, jacquard);
  • - sewing machine;
  • - threads.


Step 1

Pick up the fabric for the sling. When buying, consider not only the color of the material, but also the quality. For very crumbs, it is better to purchase 100% cotton; for older children, fabrics with synthetic fibers are also suitable. The material should not be too dense, because mom will have to tie the fabric in a knot. Consider the season of the year when you will use the sling. If you are planning to carry your baby in a sling in the summer, choose a breathable, non-thick fabric. For winter walks, warm fabrics (fleece, wool) are ideal.

Step 2

Decorate the fabric. After the first wash, cotton fabrics shrink (about 5%), so it is better to plant the fabric before cutting. To do this, iron the fabric through damp gauze with a hot iron and dry completely.

Step 3

Choose the shape of the future product. The sling can be in the form of a regular rectangle, a rectangle with rounded or tapered ends. You should not choose complex shapes if the fabric is very dense or its edges are crumbling heavily.

Step 4

A sling scarf is a long strip of fabric (usually up to 5 m). The width of this strip does not exceed 60 cm for non-stretch fabrics. It is better if your sling will be one-piece, but in some cases it is possible to assemble a scarf from two stripes. Overlap the two strips or double stitch the butt seams for strength.

Step 5

Overcast the edges of the fabric. Select an edge finishing method based on the quality of the material. It is better to sweep "loose" fabrics by hand, and then stitch on the machine. You can also simply overcast the edges with an overlock or zigzag stitch. After stitching, check and trim off any protruding ponytails and thread loops.

Step 6

If desired, you can sew a pocket to the sling. Work through a small rectangle of fabric and stitch it to the main canvas. Remember that, with different methods of tying the sling, the pocket may end up in uncomfortable places (on the back or shoulder) and you will not be able to use it.
