Every person can make a symbol. The main thing here is to show non-banality of thinking, a sense of humor and resourcefulness.

Step 1
First, decide what exactly you need to make a symbol for. If we are talking, for example, about the symbol of the New Year, then there are plenty of opportunities. It can be drawn, sewn, embroidered, molded and so on, it all depends on your abilities. The symbol can be made in the form of soap if you are fond of making soap. It will turn out to be a wonderful gift for a friend. You can find out in advance what scents she prefers, and add a couple of drops of oil with the appropriate scent to the soap depicting the symbol. A friend will appreciate your efforts.
Step 2
Of course, the symbol can be drawn. Think over his appearance, and then portray from different angles. If you know how to use graphics programs, great. In this case, depict the symbol in three-dimensional form, draw its smallest details, experiment with colors. The most important thing is to let your fantasy go free, let it tell you what the symbol should be.
Step 3
A symbol is not necessarily something material, something that can be touched, looked at. A song, a motto, a speech, a poem can become a symbol. If you're good at rhyming, you can try writing a symbolic song. Well, if you can still put words to music, then everyone will appreciate such a symbol.