By going to the astral plane is meant the practice in which the soul leaves the body and moves to the astral plane. This condition is experienced by many people during a serious illness or in a dying state. Everyone can go to the astral plane, for this it is necessary to make some efforts.

Preparation and sleep
Most beginners in astral practices mistakenly believe that going into the astral plane is best before going to bed, many also try to do it during the day. They believe that this requires the use of special relaxation techniques. However, such methods are almost always doomed to failure, tk. during these periods of time, a person's consciousness is in the most awake state, and it is extremely difficult to relax it forcibly. The best time for this practice is early morning, when the person is just waking up. Try to create the necessary atmosphere in the room (close the windows, close the curtains, get rid of extraneous noise) and go to bed in any position convenient for you with the firm intention that in the morning you must go to the astral plane. It is also recommended to practice alone to avoid any distractions.
When you wake up in the morning, your task is to immediately recognize the fact that you are waking up and try not to move. It can be extremely difficult to do this, most people do not realize the moment of awakening for tens of seconds. If you manage to quickly (during the first 3 - 5 seconds) realize that you are waking up and still not move, you will feel that your body continues to sleep, in contrast to your consciousness. This state does not last very long, all further actions must be performed during this period of time.
Instant exit to the astral
Having reached the desired state, in no case should you waste time. There are many ways of further actions, allowing you to go to the astral plane. For example, try to just get out of bed, but do it not physically, but only by force of intention. At the same time, it is important not to imagine the performance of this action, namely to perform it. In ordinary everyday life, it is difficult to imagine how such an action should be performed, this is due to the fact that the brain in wakefulness constantly receives signals from various parts of the body.
On awakening, the brain is almost free of these signals, the actions you perform during this process will look like phantom. If you succeed in completing this action (getting out of bed), assume that you have already left. There can be many signs of success, for example, just look around and look for inconsistencies in what you see with reality. However, very often what he sees after going into the astral plane seems so real that a person is sure that he has not succeeded and stops practicing. At the same time, the understanding that he went into the astral plane comes only after the completion of the experience.
Gradual exit to the astral plane
If after awakening you did not manage to go into the astral plane immediately, do not stop the experience, do it gradually. There are also many techniques for this, for example, start performing any actions with your hand, palm, just one finger or any other part of the body. Again, the actions don't have to be physical. An important condition at this stage, as well as when leaving the body immediately, is your determination.
You must perform this action, not doubting that it will lead you to the desired result, you must perform it with confidence and extremely persistently. After some time, you will feel that the part of the body that you are trying to move will actually begin to move, you will feel this movement. As soon as this happens, you need to return as quickly as possible to the instant exit to the astral plane, i.e. to get up from bed. By the time such body movements manifest themselves, you will no longer have questions about how to enter the astral plane, you will already know this. If you still can't get out into the astral plane, go back to manipulating individual parts of the body. Repeat these actions over and over until you go out into the astral plane or finally wake up.