Every year, a large number of publications appear on the shelves of bookstores containing recommendations from various areas of our life. This is a great opportunity for a budding author to try their hand at the literary field and get to know the publishing business from the inside. And if you also have something to share with others, the book of advice will be a good stepping stone to the beginning of your future professional creative activity.

Step 1
When planning to write a book of advice, clearly imagine what it will be about, what advice you can give readers, how meaningful and interesting they are. In addition, you need to think about the novelty of your book, its originality and personality, because the book market is already full of many similar publications.
Step 2
The book should describe your own experience, your own experience, and how you accomplish any tasks. It is unlikely that the reader will be interested in reading another book on healthy eating or diets, if there is no your personal experience and conclusions about different types of nutrition, how much you managed to lose weight and what it cost you. Or maybe you have mastered a new type of needlework or have achieved great success in the modeling business. Remember: your book is more focused on people who are just beginning to do something, and advice from a more experienced person is always relevant and in demand.
Step 3
Make a clear work plan for the book with exact dates and deadlines. Firstly, you organize yourself and will be able to complete the work by a certain deadline, and secondly, it will help publishers who will undertake the publication of your book, plan work on the work, put your book in line among other publications, negotiate with suppliers and bookstores about implementation.
Step 4
Consider the must-have visuals in your advice book. Try not to copy the images you want from the Internet, use your own photos, diagrams and tables. If you are writing about cooking, take pictures of the process of preparing certain dishes. When creating a book to help budding photographers, use your shots to show what kind of photos you got at the beginning and how much you have grown professionally, the most successful and disastrous shots. Take screenshots of the work with photo editing programs, and then your advice will be useful and in demand. In a book about hand-made, place step-by-step photos of the performance of a particular product. You can also add images to show what happens if you don't follow the tips.
Step 5
If you do not have the proper literary language to write a book, contact a writer or philologist who can clothe your thoughts in a readable form. The proofreader will correct the punctuation of the text, and an experienced designer will tell you how best to place this or that material on the pages of your book, select options for the cover so that the book attracts attention.