Everyone has dreamed of writing a book at least once in his life. To throw out emotions, to tell about your life - there can be many reasons. The main thing is not to forget that the book must be interesting to the reader, and then success is guaranteed.

Step 1
The debate about who can write a good book has been going on for years. Some shout about talent, others about following the rules. Of course, talent, desire and creativity are necessary to create a literary work, but following the elementary rules of subordinating creativity to a logical process is also important.
Step 2
Define your future audience. This step turns out to be decisive when the book has already been written, so it is worth taking care of it at the very beginning. Who needs your book, for whom and why? What do you want to convey to your readers? Only after answering these questions, move on. Understanding the potential audience has a huge impact on the style and focus of a book. Do not forget about the interests and needs of future readers, only in this case the book will be interesting for them.
Step 3
Develop a plot and choose a genre. Describe the main characters, minor, their relationships, outline of events. Over time, many pieces of paper with sketches will be connected in a logical sequence that will help you not lose the thread of the presentation, departing from the storyline, when writing a book. Do not be afraid to swap paragraphs, pages, chapters in the process. This is your work and only you can feel it and control its structure. Do not forget, when choosing the subject of the book, that you must understand it perfectly and have enough knowledge, otherwise, the book will turn out to be absolutely empty in content.
Step 4
Remember the details. Description of the interior, appearance, character - all this helps to create the mood of the book for the author, and the reader to plunge into the plot headlong. It is the details that include the reader in the plot, making him an invisible participant in the events taking place on the pages in his hands.
Step 5
Don't try to keep your book writing process on a tight schedule. Inspiration doesn't come by order. Write when you feel that you are ready to splash out a part of yourself on the pages, and it does not matter if it is day or late night. Follow your intuition.
Step 6
Leave the choice of the title of the piece for the final stage. When the book is ready, you know every page of it, every plot twist and hero step - it is at this moment that it is better to think about the title. It will spill out from everything you have experienced, from the very process of creating a work.
Step 7
Remember that writing a book doesn't always mean getting recognition. Do not despair and work with even greater strength, only perseverance and creativity will lead you to the Olympus of success.