Diy Wish Card

Diy Wish Card
Diy Wish Card

A wish card is a simple but very effective way to make life better and fulfill your dreams. You can do it yourself, using a minimum of components.

Diy wish card
Diy wish card

How to make a wish card

For a wish card, you need a simple sheet of paper. Its size will only depend on where the card will hang. For some, A4 format is suitable, but for someone it will be more convenient to use an A1 sheet.

The next step is the selection of images for visualization - these can be magazine clippings depicting the desired things (from jewelry to chic cars and cottages).

Visually, the sheet must be divided into 9 parts, in the center, symbolizing health, there must be your photo, in which you literally shine with happiness. In the remaining parts of the wish card, you need to paste pictures, be sure to take into account that each of them must have a certain place:

1) North - this sector is responsible for the career, therefore the photos or pictures must be appropriate. They should represent the ideal workplace, the main office, in which, for example, you would like to work.

2) North-East - the sector of wisdom and knowledge, in which you can write the name of the place where you would like to get an education or take courses. An image of a red diploma or a gold medal will perfectly fit here.

3) East - this section of the wish card is responsible for family happiness and well-being. In it you can paste a photo of a couple in love or parents with children.

4) Southeast - a sector that attracts wealth and money, respectively, and the images in it should be associated with money, gold or precious stones.

5) South - the sector of fame and glory, in which the cover of a magazine with your image will look harmonious.

6) Southwest is a place on the map of desires that is responsible for love. This sector will be needed for those who have not yet found their soul mate. There is no need to paste a photo of a real person here, it is advisable to limit yourself to a detailed description of the appearance and character traits.

7) West - the sector of creativity and children, in which you can place the appropriate images to help visualization.

8) Northwest - wanderings and travels. Problems may arise with this sector, because there are so many amazing places on the planet that you want to visit, and you will have to choose one thing to start with.
