Alexander Lipovoy: Biography And Personal Life

Alexander Lipovoy: Biography And Personal Life
Alexander Lipovoy: Biography And Personal Life

The outstanding domestic athlete Alexander Lipovoy is today an idol for millions of boys in our country who have decided to devote themselves to sports. The public activities of the titled kickboxer are also known.

the winner's face sparkles with life
the winner's face sparkles with life

Alexander Lipovoy is today the image of a real man. And his achievements in this area of life are included in the treasury of the "Golden Collection" and glorify our country in the world community.

Brief biography of Alexander Lipovoy

The date of birth of Alexander Lipovoy is July 26, 1976. The place of his birth is Odessa, Ukraine. The family of military personnel (his mother is a warrant officer, and his father is an Air Force colonel and an international master of sports in sambo and handball) created ideal conditions for the boy to play sports and teach discipline.

Until the age of fifteen, Alexander tried wrestling, karate and boxing, but deliberately stopped at kickboxing. At the age of seventeen, he became a Candidate Master of Sports, and a few years later he conquered the heights of an international master of sports in kickboxing and a master of sports in boxing.

The future idol of millions of Russian boys received secondary education in secondary school №82, and then in vocational school №26 in his hometown. At this time, he was actively involved in training and successfully participated in city, regional and international competitions.

In 2001, the athlete entered the Institute of Management and Economics in Taganrog (Faculty of Law). And then there were Rostov-on-Don, Odessa and Moscow (2011).

His sporting achievements in kickboxing are simply impressive: champion of Russia (2007), champion of Moscow (2012 and twice in 2014), world champion (2008, 2011, 2012, 2013). In addition, in 2006, Alexander entered the Guinness Book of Records for the fact that in 48 minutes he managed to inflict four thousand blows on the training paws.

The social activities of the titled athlete are also interesting. Currently, he is the head of the sports commission in the political party "United Russia" and the coordinator for sports in the Association of the National Anti-Drug Union under the "Social Lift" program.

Athlete's personal life

The first marriage of Alexander Lipovoy with Alana Khubetsova gave birth to a son, Alex, but was not the only one. An interesting fact is the participation of the spouses in the television project "Let's Get Married" when they hid their marital status from the organizers. Then Alexander chose Alana as a potential darling, which violated the basic rules of the participants.

Then there was an intriguing but short-lived relationship between Lipovoy and the participant of "House-2" Victoria Romanets.

At the end of 2016, Alexander married Kabaeva (namesake by name) - a video blogger and model. Currently, this family union is indestructible, which gives reason to talk about an ideal married couple.
