Alexander Buinov: Biography And Personal Life

Alexander Buinov: Biography And Personal Life
Alexander Buinov: Biography And Personal Life

Alexander Buinov is a famous singer, composer and showman. He received the title of People's Artist not only in his homeland, but also in Ingushetia and North Ossetia. Popularity came to him back in the 90s and still his talent conquers millions of women's hearts.

Alexander Buinov: biography and personal life
Alexander Buinov: biography and personal life


The biography of the people's artist began in Moscow. It was here that on March 24, 1960, Sasha was born into the family of a military pilot and an athlete. The boy was not the only son, he still has three brothers.

The boys' mother studied music, she graduated from the conservatory in piano. In her firm conviction, children also had to receive a musical education. Although little Alexander did not want to go to classes at all. He learned to paint with much more interest.

The Buinov family lived in a far from prosperous area, so at first the future star had to defend her interests with the help of kulaks. Over time, he found a common language with the courtyard boys, and joint fun began. Sometimes they are completely unsafe, this is how the future singer was injured. A homemade bomb exploded right in front of his face, damaging his retina, since then Alexander had to wear glasses.

Creativity and career

Buinov studied at a music school for seven years, its graduation coincided with the beginning of a creative career. At first, he played in various rock bands, and being in the ninth grade, he created his own ensemble "Antianarchists".

The year 1966 was special for a beginner musician. He met the composer Alexander Gradsky, he noticed a talented young man and invited him on tour with his team. In the group "Skomorokhi" Buinov performed solo parts on the piano.

Returning from the army, Alexander continued his musical career. He played keyboards in a variety of groups, among which were "Araks", "Flowers", "Merry Guys".

Popularity overtook Buinov in the 90s. Tickets for his concerts flew out in a matter of days, the clips were shown on the leading channels. Years of performances with "Merry Fellows" were not in vain, the artist not only traveled all over the Soviet Union and many other countries, but also gained musical and organizational experience.

Having spent several years as a soloist-vocalist in various collectives, Alexander decided to create his own group of musicians and ballet "Rio". At the same time, he became not only the artistic director, but also the author of songs, their performer, the director of his performances.

In 1992, the singer graduated from the directing department of GITIS, as his thesis, he offered his own solo concert. The Captain Katalkin program took place in St. Petersburg in the Oktyabrsky hall.

This was followed by a series of programs and tours, which Alexander himself directed and staged.

Personal life of Alexander Buinov

Alexander has always been a favorite of women, his numerous love affairs are no secret to anyone. The man was officially married three times.

His first wife was Lyubov Vdovina. The singer met her during his military service. The young family lasted only two years, no children were born from this marriage.

Alexander himself recognized the second marriage as unsuccessful, because he married only because of the pregnancy of his future wife. In this family, which lasted from 1972 to 1985, a daughter, Julia, was born.

The singer considers his third wife Elena Gutman to be the main love of his life. Their marriage was concluded in 1985.

In 1987, the artist had an illegitimate son. Alexei gave birth to a Hungarian girl, whom the singer met while at a festival in Sochi.

2011 was a difficult year for the performer, he was diagnosed with cancer. However, for him this did not become a reason for self-pity, the man is sure that everything in life is happening for a reason. As a result, a successful operation was carried out, and the performer went on the mend.

Today, Alexander Buinov, of course, is no longer as popular as before. But he can rightfully be called a classic of Russian pop music. He continues to be engaged in creativity, releases albums, tours, the performer is still a welcome guest at any concert. The artist has 18 prestigious awards and honorary titles in his arsenal.
