In order for fortune-telling to give the most truthful results, you need to properly prepare for it. After that, you can ask the coin if you will be rich. Ask a question that worries you, and the banknote will tell you in a few seconds whether your wish will come true.

Preparing for the sacrament
You need to prepare for fortune-telling. Ladies are better off doing this on "women's" days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Representatives of the stronger sex - on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. They do not do this on church holidays (except Christmas), on the full moon. If you want coins to give questions to your innermost questions, retire. If you plan to bewitch for someone else, this person may be nearby. Take advantage of the beneficial influences of animals, especially cats. Take it with you when you ask the higher powers any questions.
It is better to take old coins for fortune telling, the more years they are, the better. It is good if before that they did not go in circulation, but lay at home, like a collection or relic. You can also guess on new coins, store them in a bag, in a secluded place.
Before fortune-telling, hold these attributes of prediction in your palms, mentally ask them what you want. Do not cross your arms and legs so as not to block the flow of energy. Look out the window, if there is a strong wind outside, bad weather, postpone the fortune-telling on coins for a more favorable day.
Divination by desire
If you want to know if your plan will come true, choose this divination method. Hold a coin in your hands, ask a question, toss it. If 2 or 3 times she falls up "heads", the wish will come true. If "tails", then the answer is no.
For the second method, take 10 coins, arrange them in 2 rows of 5 pieces each. Take the first one, which is on the left in the top row, and the bottom one, which lies in the second row on the right. Drop them. If the first fell "heads", and the second "tails" up, the wish will come true within a month. If they fell, on the contrary - "tails" and "heads", it will not come true. When the coins are turned over the same side up, the results are optimistic - the wish will come true as soon as possible.
Will you be rich
This question is best asked on New Year's Eve. Cover the money with your palms on both sides, ask if wealth awaits you this year? Pass it to the assistant, leave the room. During this time, the helper or helper will place the coin in one of the three deep plates and cover them with opaque rags of fabric.
After that, enter the room and try to guess the first time where the hidden attribute is. If you succeeded, your financial situation in the coming year will be excellent. If it failed, do not be discouraged, think again where the coin might be. Did you manage to guess on the second try? So you will be with the money.
Ace and ruble
Ask a question out loud or mentally. Place 3 aces side by side - spades, crosses and hearts. Throw 1 ruble over them, see where it fell. Hitting the ace of the cross bodes well. You can safely rely on the person you doubted. Ruble in the fall touched the suit of hearts? You should be careful in your actions and deeds. If the ruble fell to the ace of spades, you should not make important decisions in the near future.