How To Get Gold Coins In A Happy Farmer

How To Get Gold Coins In A Happy Farmer
How To Get Gold Coins In A Happy Farmer

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Happy Farmer is one of the most popular flash games on the VKontakte social network. This application is also available on the network. Happy Farmer is a free game, but access to a number of game features (for example, buying a dog guarding the harvest) is obtained only for VKontakte votes. These votes, in turn, are bought by sending a paid SMS or paying at the terminal. Buying gold coins, unfortunately, is just such an opportunity.

How to get gold coins in a happy farmer
How to get gold coins in a happy farmer


Step 1

Gold coins can be obtained legally only by sending an SMS to a short number and nothing else. Therefore, you will have to pay real money for buying a dog. But on third-party forums, where users supposedly know how to get coins for free using some programs or offer to buy in-game gold for a lower price, you should not climb. After all, these are scammers who profit from gullible citizens.

Step 2

And here's how to quickly get regular play money and experience, we will tell you: At the very first levels (up to the fourth), it is better to plant turnips, because it gives the maximum experience and at the same time also brings a good income. By planting, collecting and selling turnips, you can quickly pump up to higher levels, where there are already other priorities. So from the 18th level of AVM, you will need to switch to lemons and buy several decorations - they add experience. And it will be beautiful on the site. After level 28, breed dragon eye and cherry.

Step 3

If any of your friends have worms or weeds in their beds, help them clean the beds. For this you will receive additional experience.

Step 4

If you have enough money and you are chasing experience, you can plant a turnip and immediately dig it up. For one plant, in this case, you will be given six units of experience. Not God knows what a large sum, but nice.

Step 5

Decorations available for purchase at high levels provide additional experience. At the same time, pay attention to the decoration "in the style of the rainbow". Until recently, she gave more experience (as much as 300 units) than others. And it cost the same as the rest of the scenery.
