How To Become Clairvoyant

How To Become Clairvoyant
How To Become Clairvoyant

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Currently, the topic of extrasensory perception is quite popular, so it is not surprising that some people are very interested in how to become clairvoyant. This is a complex and not necessarily successful process, but with special perseverance, you can truly discover your unique abilities.

How to become clairvoyant
How to become clairvoyant


Step 1

Learn to concentrate in such a way as to see objects and phenomena hidden from you. Practicing meditation works well for this. Choose a time when no one will disturb you, sit comfortably, close your eyes, and relax. Imagine that you are floating above the ground, as if in zero gravity. Move mentally to one of the places where you have been recently. Try to imagine how it looks at the moment, who might be there, and what is happening there. Of course, at first you will not be able to check the correctness of your thoughts, and it is unlikely that you will immediately be able to see everything hidden from the eyes. However, this exercise will help you to properly tune in to work with your "third eye".

Step 2

Cut several rectangles of the same size out of white cardboard. They should not show through. Color one side of each in a color, then mix and lay out on the table with the colored side down. As you touch the shapes and determine the energy emanating from them, try to determine the color of each of them. This is one of the simplest exercises to help you learn clairvoyance.

Step 3

Pick up an object that does not belong to you. It's good if someone you know will give it to you through third hands. First, try to figure out who actually owns the item. To do this, try to feel with your hands the subtle warmth emanating from it. Start by taking turns presenting those people, one of whom, in your opinion, belongs to the object. Remember how you felt being around these people. Mentally compare the energy emanating from each of them with the energy of the object until you feel who its owner is. Then ask those who helped you who exactly owned the thing. This is a rather difficult but very effective exercise for those who wish to become clairvoyant.

Step 4

Complicate the previous exercise. Try to tell everything you can about the item in your hands: how old it is, where it was bought or made, etc. Use your intuition: if you concentrate correctly, you will begin to notice among your thoughts the smallest, subtle images that can point you to the right information.

Step 5

Call one of your friends and family. Describe what your interlocutor is currently wearing, what he is doing, what his facial expression is, etc. The person on the other end of the line will have to tell you where you were right and where you were wrong. Practice until the number of mistakes you make in this and other exercises is minimized.
