A beautiful even tan gives a special charm and reminds of summer for a long time. To achieve a quick result, girls go to the solarium, use bronzers or lie on the beaches for hours, forgetting that a quick effect is not always good for skin health. Many mistakes can be avoided by sunbathing properly.

There are recommendations and advice from doctors for visiting the solarium. Consideration should be given to the incompatibility of tanning in a solarium with certain types of skin, the presence of moles and the use of certain medications. If we talk about natural sun exposure, then there are five rules for a beautiful tan:
1. Do not sunbathe immediately after depilation / photoepilation and cleansing procedures (scrubs, peeling, etc.). You can burn your skin or get sunburn spots. It should take at least a day after normal depilation or 3 days after photoepilation and cleansing procedures.
2. Diffuse sun is better than active sun. Direct sunlight during the hours of the highest solar activity (from 12-00 to 16-00) can cause malignant skin formations. Better to sunbathe during the period when the sun is hidden by clouds, and in the morning / evening hours: before 12-00 and after 16-00.
3. Use a reflective surface for a beautiful and even tan. These can be special rugs with a coating similar to foil. The mirrored surface of the water also serves as an excellent reflection of the sun's rays - sit on the water mattress at a shallow depth and enjoy the sunbathing.
4. Moisturize your skin with tanning oils 40 minutes before sun exposure. Oils in the form of sprays with an extract of melon, grape and apricot seeds are effective.
5. When taking a comfortable sunbathing position, do not forget which side the sun is shining from. Since your shoulders and back burn quickly, start tanning from your feet - the sun should be on the side of your feet.