A headband is an accessory that combines beauty and convenience. With it, you can create various hairstyles without getting in the way of your hair. Of course, the more beautiful the accessory, the better the hairstyle will look. Even the simplest headband can be quickly turned into an original and stylish piece of jewelry.

It is necessary
headbands of different widths, mesh, wire or fishing line, polystyrene, flower or bow, glue, threads, elastic band, ribbons, sparkles
Step 1
Take a very thin white rim and a coarse mesh of the same color. The width of the net should be 5-8 cm, and the length should be equal to the length of the rim. Wrap the headband in the net so that it sits on one edge. Leave part of the mesh free. Secure the headband with glue or thread (make very small stitches) so you can't see them.
Step 2
Use very thin wire or thick line that won't bend. Cut it into pieces 10-12 cm, then carefully coat with glue (use transparent glue). Crush the styrofoam into small pieces and roll the resulting twigs in it. Let them dry. Secure them in a bun using a thin, tight rubber band. Take any bow or flower (you can use either white or bright). Secure it in the place where the bundle is grabbed by the elastic band. Carefully glue the resulting accessory so that it does not fall apart.
Step 3
Insert the resulting decoration into the side of the mesh. Take thin white threads and secure it with a few stitches. Your headband is ready.
Step 4
Another variant. Use several thin ribbons (about twice the length of the headband) of the same or different colors. Take a rim with a width of 1 to 3 cm. Fasten the ribbons on one side in a bundle - you can use glue, a stapler, a thin elastic band - then weave a pigtail from the ribbons. Secure the other end so that it does not fall apart.
Step 5
Secure one end of the braid to the headband with glue. Then wrap the headband completely with it. Glue the other end too. When the glue hardens, take a syringe with a needle. Type glue into it and carefully glue the pigtail on each turn. Let the glue dry. Your headband is ready.
Step 6
And further. Take a wide headband. Apply glue to its entire outer surface, then sprinkle it with medium-sized glitter. Do not leave the surface of the headband without glitter. Let the product dry. Remove any poorly glued glitter, now your headband is ready.