When the desire to keep a personal diary comes, along with it there is a need to make it different from everyone else. Yet this is something very personal, internal, often secret, so you really want the diary to bear your imprint. You still hope that some time will pass, you will get it, scroll through it; you will carefully read some of the entries, smiling at what they once were, and over others you will seriously think about it. In general, no matter how you turn it, a personal diary is a serious thing. And since you only need to write into it what worries, it means that you should approach the decoration with all responsibility.

It is necessary
- - Notebook or notebook;
- - markers;
- - pens;
- - the pencils;
- - glue;
- - scissors;
- - pictures from magazines;
- - photos.
Step 1
First of all, consider decorating your cover. Of course, the essence of what you will write is also very important, but this is the default. The cover will help you choose a mood or, if you like, a vector. Again, skeptics and moralists will say that everything is not so, and first you need to decide on the style, then, dancing from it, arrange the cover. It's easy for them to say, they may have written a bunch of diaries at one time, but we will go our own way. So, to paraphrase the well-known saying, "they meet by the cover", arm yourself with a rather thick notebook or notebook. The easiest option is to simply sign the diary. You can do this in the "as is" format by writing the word "Diary" beautifully and putting your first and last name in the genitive case. Or you can start decorating your personal diary with some tricky name that can fully reflect your essence. If you are secretive and do not seek to keep your life "in sight" - let the name be "Secret Burrow". If, on the contrary, you consider yourself an open person, that is, an extrovert, the diary can be called "Living room". For those who boldly admit themselves to be an original and a little out of this world, the names "Camera No. 6", "Battle Leaf", "Back streets of the soul", "Nest", "Den", etc. are suitable. That is why it is better to first decide on the name of your personal diary, and then start decorating. "Living room" and "Secret hole" cannot be decorated in one key - it will give off inconsistency.
Step 2
Love cats and other cute pussies - stick at least one, at least a dozen on the cover. If your essence requires some kind of beautiful "chic" - let it be photographs of Paris, Milan, other cities that are strongly associated with fashionable things and fashionable life. It is appropriate to cut out photographs of your favorite actors or actresses, singers, singers and groups, maybe politicians from the magazine - but what if somebody likes them too ?! If you think this approach is stereotyped, great, draw a cartoon of a person you think about a lot (after all, he will surely appear in your diary quite often). The main thing is that a notebook or notebook somehow does not turn up under the arm when he is in a bad mood. If there is such a possibility, it is better not to risk it and place this cartoon at least on the second page. Draw a doorway on the cover, cut out the door from the cardboard, glue the vertical strip on the left with glue and carefully glue it to the opening. The laconic inscription "Door to the Future", written on the cover, speaks very eloquently about what is in your hands. But what color you paint the space behind the doorway is a matter of purely character. If you are an optimist, then for sure choose bright and life-affirming colors. In another case, think a hundred times - after all, remember the song of Captain Vrungel: "As you name the yacht, so it will float." Embroider - Decorate your diary cover with embroidery. Are you fond of decoupage - even more original! You can make a very cool personal diary by turning its main sheet into a 3-d arena: heroes of Game of Thrones, cool foreign cars or trucks, soldiers right from the battlefield - show your imagination and easily achieve originality.
Step 3
If you are not hoping for a memory, write down your "callsigns" on social networks on the first page. Just do not write passwords here, because if you do not belong to others, the diary is not protected from unauthorized intrusions. By the way, the names and addresses of your friends' pages can also be written down in a paper diary. If suddenly your page is hacked, you will not lose those with whom you communicate pleasantly on the Internet from time to time. Further, it is appropriate to write something that is the main thing for you, as if revealing your main character traits. This should not be done for others, we must always hope that the personal diary will never be read by strangers, but for ourselves, but only for a slightly matured one. In a year or two, it will be very interesting for you to read such a record.
Step 4
Of course, they are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds. Therefore, take seriously both the entries and the decoration inside the diary. Write what you are really interested in or what excites you. Design accordingly. Entries such as "today is a normal day, nothing happened" are empty, they do not make any sense, because in a week you will have to strain your memory to fetch out at least some associations with "April 17" or "September 30". And decorating such records is sheer absurdity. Well, once or twice, you can draw something like an infinity sign, symbolizing boredom, or stick a cut-out picture with a donut, circling its hole, but what's the point? You will not do this again and again every time the day seems gray and dull to you. It is probably better not to write anything at all in such cases. Although, in fact, we ourselves are to blame for the "wasted" time. Man is generally a very strange creature. At first he hurries the hand on the clock, then he regrets that everything has passed so quickly. All that was needed was to fill the empty days with something interesting, exciting, new. And then it would be interesting to write about this in a personal diary, decorate the entry accordingly, and leave pleasant moments among other carefully folded diaries-memories for many, many years.