Initially, a bracelet using the Shambhala technique was only 9 knots tied in a special way on a cord, later 9 beads were placed between them. Nowadays, beads are increasingly made from precious materials, and the technology is becoming more complicated, bracelets are becoming multi-row.

Weaving technique
To create a bracelet, you need a waxed cord at least 3 m long, beads, scissors and glue. It is most convenient to weave on a flat surface; you will need a pin or tape to secure the ends of the cord. The cord is divided into three equal parts and tied with a strong simple knot at a distance of 20-25 cm from the ends. It is this part that is fixed with adhesive tape on a flat surface.
Two free ends along the edges are arranged in the form of a triangle, then the left bundle is wound over the central and right ones. The right one, in turn, is thrown over the central one and its end is carefully pulled under the intersection of the central and left. Then the ends of the left and right are neatly tightened over the central one at the very base of the first simple knot that ties all three threads together.
This procedure is repeated once more with one difference - the center cord now remains on top of the next knot. To make the braid for the bead look harmonious, at least 4 such knots are made and only after that the bead is put on the central cord. Following it, the next row of knots is woven, and this is repeated until the desired length of the bracelet is reached.
By all the rules, a fastener made is also a very important element in weaving. For its manufacture, you will need a piece of cord half a meter long. The remaining ends of the threads on both sides of the bracelet are folded towards each other and tied together with a new piece of cord. 4 or more knots are made using the same technique, the ends of the bracelet folded together act as a middle cord.
Some tricks
To prevent the bracelet from blooming and losing its shape, you need to fix its ends well. After completing the required number of knots, all three cords, as well as at the beginning of weaving, are tied all together with a simple knot. On both of these nodes, both at the end and at the beginning, glue is applied in such an amount to completely saturate the cords and the space between them, but the excess should be removed before drying. On the finished product, they will be conspicuous, and sharp edges can seriously injure the skin on the hand.
Cord can be of any color and diameter, but thin waxed cord in dark shades looks best. Light-colored material is lost and gets dirty faster, while less durable material is likely to tear quickly. Thick reinforced nylon threads used in shoe production look very beautiful, but they are not suitable for weaving this bracelet. They are very slippery and knots from them will not hold their shape.