A paper crane is a beautiful and complex at first glance origami figure. However, it is not so difficult to make it, it is enough to strictly follow the instructions and show maximum accuracy and care. The origami crane is a symbol of happiness and prosperity, so this work will not only help to while away your free time, but also bring good luck.

It is necessary
square of paper
Step 1
Make a wish and get to work. According to an ancient Japanese legend, it will definitely come true. Place the square of paper on the table in a diamond shape. Fold it horizontally diagonally downward, and then fold the resulting triangle in half from right to left. It turned out a right-angled triangle, the upper side of which consists of two parts superimposed on each other, and the right side is the place of the fold
Step 2
Fold over the overlapping part of the triangle and align it with the right side, smooth it with your hand. Move the new triangle to the right by expanding the right side of the large triangle (Figure 4). Open the left corner of the resulting shape like a sail and fold it inward, resulting in a rhombus, smooth the fold with your hand.
Step 3
Expand the part of the right triangle of the rhombus that turned out to be on the back side, take the resulting shape by the right corner and fold inward. You should get a rhombus from two double vertical triangles (Fig. 6)
Step 4
Pull the right and left outer corners of the diamond to the middle of the fold, iron and unfold again. Bend the top corner down along the line that formed after the previous step and unfold. You've got the new folds you need for the next steps.
Step 5
Open the bottom corner of the top of the diamond upward to form a sail. Now, along the vertical fold lines, bend the sides of the sail and fold upward, obtaining a shape as in fig. 11. Turn the piece over and repeat the procedure with the sail on the other side
Step 6
Bend the bottom right "leg" of the figure as shown in fig. 13-15, several times in one direction and the other, to form a fold. Fold the left corner of the rhombus into the middle of the fold. Bend the left leg of the figure diagonally to the left and up, as shown, this is the future head of the crane
Step 7
Make a beak for it by bending the tip down. Bend the right leg back along the horizontal fold and take it up (Fig. 19 - dotted line), this is the tail. Fix all folds well. The crane of happiness is ready.