Gel candles have an original appearance due to their transparency. This allows the candle container to be filled with a variety of non-combustible items, creating unique compositions. They can be used as themed gifts and as table decoration for different holidays.

Gel candle in a glass
These light air candles in glasses are a great addition to a festive table decoration. You can take both tall narrow and wide glasses. It is convenient to use those containers that are not included in the kit and you can no longer put them on the table.
After picking up suitable transparent wine glasses, rinse them with water and dry them. Look into the light so that there are no streaks and prints. Drop transparent glue on the bottom of the container in the center and place the finished wick on it. Wrap its top edge on a skewer or pencil and place on top of the glass.
A special reinforced wick can be used. It is hard and sticks into the already poured gel.
Cut the candle gel into a bowl or small saucepan. Fill a second larger container with water and place on fire. Melt the gel in a steam bath until it is syrupy. Proceed with caution, the gel may catch on fire. Do not let it boil, otherwise the candle may turn out cloudy. Read the instructions when buying candle gel and watch the melting point.
While the gel is warming up, add a special dye of the desired color to it. Then you will have a uniform color of the mass even without mixing. Use yellow dye to create a candle in a champagne glass; if it's a red wine glass, red dye will do. At the same time, you can add a scent for your future candle.
In order for bubbles to appear in the finished candle, stir the melted gel several times. If bubbles are not needed, the mass should be heated on its own, and the prepared container for the candle should be heated either with a hairdryer or in the microwave.
Pour the melted candle gel over the glasses with the wick. If you have specially mixed the mass to obtain bubbles, you may not see them at first. But as they cool down, they will appear. And if unplanned air bubbles appear in your glass, pierce them with a needle while the gel is still warm.
Cut the wick so that it rises about 1 cm above the plane of the candle. As your piece burns, do not forget to cut the wick. The candle is ready for use in a day.
Marine-themed gel candle
Make a candle to remind you of the sea. To do this, you need small pebbles, shells, coarse sea salt. It is advisable to take a glass vessel for a candle with a wide bottom so that your composition is clearly visible.
Place sea salt and small pebbles on the bottom of the glass container. Arrange the shells and beads. For convenience, tweezers can be used. Place the composition closer to the walls of the vessel so that it is clearly visible from the side.
If you want to create a slanted bottom effect, turn the container slightly on its side. Then the content will lie at a slight angle. Make a stand out of a magazine or a stack of tissues to fix this position.
Melt the candle gel in a water bath. Since it is highly flammable, you cannot put it in the microwave and be distracted while the mass is on the burning burner.
Pour the gel into the container gradually. First, it should cover all the items that you have located at the bottom. Then top up the candle to the end. When the gel has cooled, stick in the waxed wick. After the candle has completely solidified, cut the wick.