Humanity has long since replaced manual labor with automatic production. Now we do not need to make soap on our own, cast candles, even cook food: everything that we need in everyday life is produced by machines in large quantities. The more pleasant it is to receive as a gift a thing made by the hands of your friends or loved ones especially for you. Soul and individuality are invested in such things, it is pleasant to receive them, and it is even more pleasant and interesting to craft them yourself.

It is necessary
Paraffin, dye, candle mold, decorations
Step 1
Making a candle at home is very simple. You will need paraffin wax, so as not to search for it in stores, you can use regular white household candles. It is inexpensive and convenient because, in addition to paraffin, you will also have a wick. You can use children's wax crayons or food coloring for Easter eggs as a dye for a candle. In addition, you need a sharp knife, a grater, a long knitting needle, a dish for melting paraffin, a candle mold. The form can be, for example, glass or plastic. Do not forget about decorations for your candle: beads, shells, dried rowan berries, dry leaves, sparkles. If you want to scent a candle at home, purchase oils with your favorite scents.
Step 2
Grate the paraffin or chop with a knife, then place in a melting pot and in a water bath. If you decide to tint and flavor the candle, then add dye to the paraffin and drop a few drops of oil. While the paraffin is melting, prepare the wick - dip it in paraffin and let dry completely. Pour the molten paraffin into the mold, let it harden, and then poke a hole through with a knitting needle and insert a wick into the hole. Place the candle in the freezer to freeze the paraffin faster. After about an hour, you can remove the candle from the mold by placing it in hot water for a few seconds, and then simply pulling the wick. As a last resort, if the candle does not come out of shape, carefully cut the gluing with a knife.
Step 3
Decorate your candle by slightly heating the decorations or space for them. Do not forget to cut the wick, leaving a tail of 7-8 millimeters on the surface.
Your candle is ready at home.