Today, scented candles can be purchased at any store, they are very popular. A pleasant aroma in the room is one of the attributes of comfort, it will help you relax after hard work and better fall asleep. If you're wondering how to make a scented candle, read on.

Step 1
The most important thing is to choose the right perfume. Special designed for the manufacture of scented candles. It can be either oil or dry powder fragrance, which dissolves well in wax and gel for making candles. Buy perfume in specialty stores, as your perfume or essential oils can easily catch fire.
Step 2
Prepare a container for melting wax or candle gel. It is best if it is a deep glass bowl.
Step 3
Calculate how much material you need to make the desired candle. Please note that during the manufacturing process 5-25% will evaporate without a trace, so take with a supply of wax or gel and melt it in a glass bowl in a water bath (if it is more convenient for you, use a microwave). If you can't find wax, paraffin or candle gel anywhere, chop finely and melt the most ordinary commercial candles.
Step 4
When the wax or gel is completely liquid, add aroma oil or powder. Remember that they should be no more than 5% of the weight of the entire candle, otherwise the smell will be too strong.
Step 5
Pour the resulting liquid into a mold and insert the wick. The hole for the wick can be made with an ordinary orange stick after the material has hardened, if it is more convenient for you.
Step 6
Place the dish in a preheated oven for five minutes. After the time is up, turn it off and open the door. Until the stove cools down - keep the candle in it, so it will harden and "settle" better.
So, the candle is ready.
Step 7
Now how to make it more beautiful:
- You can add dyes to the melted wax, then the candle will acquire a bright saturated color.
- Before pouring wax into the mold, you can put rose petals or other decorative elements in it.