Interesting gifts require original packaging, especially if it is a gift with a hint. Lovers traditionally give each other hearts, but finding a heart-shaped box for a gift of the right size is not always easy, so it makes sense to make it yourself.

Step 1
In order to make an original heart-shaped box, take red colored paper and cut two hearts out of it (the dimensions should correspond to the desired size of the future box). Cut the hearts of the same size out of cardboard. Then just glue the paper hearts to the cardboard bases on one side.
Step 2
Then take black paper and cut four strips out of it. The width of the strips will be about 3 cm, the length should be a couple of centimeters more than half of the contour of the future box. Now with the strips, you need to do the following manipulation. Take the strips and on each along the length on one side, make notches so that it becomes like a saw, the other side should remain flat.
Step 3
Now take one of the blanks with hearts, put it with the cardboard side up and start gluing the black strip, so we will make the bottom of the box. Do it this way: bring the strip to the top of the heart to the very center, fold it in half, notches inward.
Step 4
Now take the glue and start gluing the strip, leaving a slight indent from the edges (about 3 mm), this will be the height of the box. One strip will not be enough for you to grip the whole heart, so take another one and start gluing it in the same order, only now start from the bottom of the heart and move towards the already glued strip.
Step 5
Apply the strips carefully so that no glue stains remain. If the second strip turns out to be too large, carefully cut it in the process of gluing to the desired size. Now cut another heart out of red paper, smaller than the previous one, so that you glue it into the bottom of the box.
Step 6
Then we start making the cover. Take the second blank from cardboard and glue two black strips in the same way as before, just do not leave indents from the edge, this is necessary in order for the box to close. Glue the red heart inside as well.
Step 7
In principle, the box is ready! You can decorate it with braid, flowers, beads, rhinestones and other accessories that you like.