In order to present a monetary gift to the newlyweds at the wedding celebration, beautiful and original packaging is needed. The best solution to this problem is to make an elegant heart-shaped chest.

Cash box with lid
To make a chest, you must first prepare a paper pattern: a heart is depicted on a sheet of paper, achieving the maximum symmetry of both its sides. The cut out part is transferred to a dense sheet of cardboard, traced around the contour and the bottom of the box is cut out.
After that, two rectangular stripes are cut, the width of which will determine the height of the walls of the wedding chest. When cutting the workpiece, it is necessary to provide for allowances of 2 cm on one of the long sides of the rectangle. The allowances are cut in the form of teeth and with their help one of the sides of the heart is glued. The same actions are done with the second strip. Between each other, the side walls of the chest are glued with an overlap and clamped with paper clips until the glue is completely dry.
From the inside, two pieces of a processed satin ribbon or a beautiful wide braid are glued to the walls of the chest - with its help the lid will be fixed. After that, the inner and outer walls and the bottom of the money chest are pasted over with decorative paper: plain or with a pattern on a wedding theme.
Another heart-shaped blank is cut from a sheet of cardboard, which plays the role of a lid. The cover is glued to the tapes, after which the traces of gluing are hidden under decorative paper, gluing it on the inside and outside of the part.
The walls of the finished product are decorated with thin lace, the contour of the lid is edged with beautiful braid, and the surface of the lid is decorated with flowers made of satin ribbons, beads, bows or a monogram of the newlyweds.
Double Heart Chest
A very original money box is obtained from a blank made in the form of connected hearts. To do this, draw two parts in the form of hearts connected by a common side on a sheet of thick cardboard.
One of the parts is carefully pasted over with a layer of padding polyester to add volume to the part, after which the workpiece is covered with white silk or satin. To provide a better tension on the fabric, its edges can be tied with threads on the back of the cardboard part. To disguise the threads, another double heart is cut out of white thick paper and this piece is glued over the threads tightening the fabric.
A rectangular strip is cut out of whatman paper, the length of which is 3-4 cm less than the length of the bottom of the chest to form a hole for money. The width of the strip is chosen arbitrarily: it depends on how high the walls of the chest need to be. When cutting out a part, it is necessary to take into account allowances of 2-2.5 cm. Small notches are made along the allowances, they are coated with glue and connected to the bottom and lid of the chest.
After the blanks have dried, they start decorating the chest: they glue the outline of both hearts on the top and bottom of the box with a decorative elegant cord, decorate one heart covered with white silk with a bow tie, the second with a flower made of fabric. The resulting hole between the walls of the chest is decorated with ribbons or lace.