How To Make A Boat Out Of Plywood

How To Make A Boat Out Of Plywood
How To Make A Boat Out Of Plywood

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Many people believe that having a real boat on which you can swim on the surface of the reservoir and relax, looking at the water, and fishing is a luxury that is not available to everyone. A new boat does cost a lot of money, but you can try building a sturdy, lightweight boat with your own hands using wood for the frame and plywood for the sheathing.


Step 1

Bend the boat's skin out of solid plywood sheets to reduce the number of seams in the hull. Buy 3-ply birch plywood without knots, with a thickness of 4-5 mm and resin impregnation. You will need three sheets of plywood 1500x1500 mm, three pine boards 6, 5 m long and 15 mm thick, as well as boards 25 mm thick for keel and false sheets, boards for frames, boards for posts and oars. Use a lightweight cloth to cover the cabinet. You will also need slaked lime, tree resin, drying oil, oil paint, long nails and oarlocks for oars.

Step 2

To build a boat, make a simple slipway from a plank fixed to the posts. Start by making the frames - draw them out on a life-size piece of plywood. Draw nine parallel lines, and then draw one vertical line perpendicular to the lines.

Step 3

From the longitudinal vertical plane, set aside along a segment, and then connect the points of a smooth curve to get the outer contour of the frame. Copy the drawing of the parts onto a sheet of transparent paper and then cut the parts out of the cardboard to make the templates. Transfer the templates to a 40 mm board, placing them along the grain, and saw out the parts.

Step 4

Fit the frame parts tightly to each other. The outer contour of the frame must match the contour in the drawings. Then make a stem out of the curved wood. Saw the keel out of the straight-grained board. Then, trim and trim the sideboards to the same width and thickness.

Step 5

Having prepared the materials, proceed to the assembly of the boat frame. Place the keel on the workbench, and then secure the stern post with the attached transom to it. Attach a stem to the other end of the keel. Connect the keel with nails to the pins and frames. Fit the structure and make sure there are no distortions.

Step 6

Place the joints of the parts with a thin cloth soaked in resin. Install pins and frames. Attach the side boards to the frame, tying their ends to the stem with twine.

Step 7

After collecting the frame, turn it with the keel up and sheathe the boat with plywood. Cut the plywood in a trapezoid shape for the bow and stern of the boat, and cut a round cut at the top of the plywood. Moisten the inside of the plywood with steam from boiling water so that it bends better and does not crack.

Step 8

Bend the plywood to the bead shape, starting from the keel, placing it with fibers along the bead length. Cut off the excess plywood. Coat the plywood with resin before fixing. After installing the sheathing, fasten the plywood to the frames and reinforce the sides over the plywood. Now all you have to do is to decorate and paint the boat, as well as make oars and install oarlocks for them.
