How To Make Beaded Snowflake Earrings With Your Own Hands

How To Make Beaded Snowflake Earrings With Your Own Hands
How To Make Beaded Snowflake Earrings With Your Own Hands

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Today in stores you can find a gift for every taste and wallet, but sometimes you want to please your loved ones with something special, and not just a faceless trinket. So, handmade snowflake earrings can be a wonderful gift for the New Year.

How to make beaded snowflake earrings with your own hands
How to make beaded snowflake earrings with your own hands

It is necessary

  • - wire;
  • - fishing line;
  • - silver beads;
  • - crystal beads
  • - beige beads.


Step 1

To begin with, we make hooks from wire that will serve as a fastener for the earrings.

Step 2

Fold the fishing line in half and alternately string beige beads and silver beads on it in the amount of six pieces. We tie a knot to make a circle, leaving a small tail through which you can pass the beads again.


Step 3

Next, we start making rays of the snowflake. To do this, we string beads on a fishing line in the following sequence: two silver, one crystal, and then three more silver beads. We pass the fishing line through the base of the snowflake, pulling it tightly towards us. Then we make five more exactly the same rays.

Step 4

We pass the fishing line through the large beads located in the center in order to once again properly secure the frame to the snowflake. On one of the beams we string a little more silver beads - this will serve as the basis for the earring. We tie a small loop and insert hooks made of wire into it.
