The road seen in a dream symbolizes the life path of a person. To interpret a dream, it is important to remember all the details, because it depends on them what lies ahead: joy and prosperity or loss and misfortune.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the condition of the road, because it symbolizes the path of life. If the coating is even and smooth, without potholes and other defects, it means that in the future you can expect success in your personal life and at work. For a married woman, such a dream portends a happy family life and easy childbirth. If the canvas is made of stone, difficulties and sorrow await, a wet road leads to tears and troubles, a sled road leads to empty deeds.
A wide road dreamed of - soon there will be an opportunity to carry out your most daring plans. A long way going uphill leads to career prospects. And if the road in a dream still ended, it means that it will be possible to successfully complete all the work begun.
A winding road that does not end for a long time dreams of trouble. This means that in life a person does something wrong, is mistaken, goes the wrong way, which can lead to disastrous consequences and even tragedy. If a long road is narrow, you will have to do a lot in life to become successful and happy. And a dream with a dusty road leads to the appearance of envious people and hypocrites. Building a road in a dream is a success in life, but you have to work hard to reach career heights. And to be at the crossroads after a long journey - to significant changes in your personal life, parting with old habits and loved ones.