A black cat can bring bad luck on its tail and is just as likely to make a random passerby happy. It all depends on the perception of a person, on his suggestibility and attitude to signs.

The black cat is a lurking danger
The black cat is a favorite character of folk signs. As you know, if a black cat crosses the road, there will be trouble. Superstitious people will necessarily spit three times over their left shoulder, grab a button or twist a "fig" in their pockets so that all negativity is gone. Some people even prefer to stop and wait for someone else to follow the cat, or try to change the trajectory of the animal on their own in order to save themselves from problems.
American folk wisdom says that a black cat accidentally found on the doorstep of a house must be fed, otherwise the owner will be haunted by misfortune.
Why exactly a black cat?
What is the reason for such a prejudiced attitude towards these graceful animals? In Slavic mythology, black cats are known as the personification of evil spirits. According to ancestors, they are directly related to witches and witches. This is reflected in folk tales, as well as in literature, recall, for example, the story of Gogol or "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov. The ancestors believed that black cats can perfectly find a common language with brownies, so they were the first to be allowed into an empty house during housewarming. However, they have always been wary of these mysterious creatures and tried to avoid unexpected encounters with them.
Luck is on the tail of a black cat
Good fame also goes about black cats. For example, in Egypt, they are considered temple animals that bring good luck and protect from otherworldly forces. But English folklore says that if there is a black cat in the house, the owners will always have intrigues and love affairs on the side. There is a funny belief that a dark-colored cat sneezing near the bride at a wedding promises good luck in family life. The English king and concurrently the happy owner of a black cat, Charles I, believed that she brought him good luck and prosperity, and therefore even assigned animal guards.
According to Slavic belief, a black cat during a thunderstorm can attract lightning to itself, it must be escorted out of the house without fail.
Black cat - healer and protector
Black cats, which have powerful energy, are able to protect their owners from damage and the evil eye, as well as draw out negative energy from them. Moreover, these animals always feel the sore spots of the owners and lie down on them to heal. If two kittens were born to a domestic cat - a red and a black one, then it is necessary to give the red one, and the black one must be left in the house, as bringing good luck. Believing in omens or not is everyone's business, but it should be remembered that a black cat that crosses the road does not always carry troubles and hardships on its tail.