If you dreamed of a road, you need to pay attention to what it was: winding, narrow, busy or deserted. The interpretation of sleep depends on this.

Walk the road in a dream
If in a dream you are walking along a rough, tangled road, then this means that in real life you will be faced with a choice and still go down the wrong path. This is a warning dream. If you are facing a serious event that can change your life, for example, you have planned to change your place of work or purchase a new apartment, then you should think carefully before making any final decision.
If you are walking along a long deserted road, which does not see the end, then in life you will have to achieve your goal for a very long time. Don't wait for help, you have to go it alone.
A short road in a dream means the speedy fulfillment of your plans. The results will not be long in coming.
Walking barefoot along the road in a dream is a good sign, especially if you feel comfortable and the road in front of you is clean and even.
If you dreamed that you were walking along a dirty overgrown road, then in life you are surrounded by unscrupulous people. It is worth being vigilant and not succumbing to their provocations.
Drive down the road in a dream
If in a dream you are driving along the road by car, then you urgently need to make some kind of decision in life. You are trying with all your might to delay time, but events will develop rapidly.
The muddy, winding road you are driving on means that in life you will have to face injustice and deception. If you managed to get to the end, then all your efforts and hardships will be rewarded in the end.
I dreamed of a forest road
A forest road in a dream means a rapid development of events. If you are surrounded by beautiful green trees, then this speaks of support from your friends and family. Dry trees mean ill-wishers.
A fallen tree blocks the road - intrigues are weaving around you and are trying in every possible way to hinder you. It is difficult to achieve what you dream of.
I dreamed of a slippery road
You don't even know what unscrupulous people are around you. How much gossip and rumors go around you. Soon you will be betrayed by either close friends or your "other half".
Dreamed of a railway
The railway in a dream means your life path. If you are walking on the railway all alone, there are no people and passing trains around you, then this dream means your determination to act. You will be energized to achieve your goals.
Dreamed of a crossroads
We'll have to gain patience and strength. This is a confusing period in your life. Problems will haunt you, but they are all solvable.
If in a dream you managed to cross the intersection, then you will be able to deal with the problems in a short time.
The road in a dream: an example from life
I have been fond of interpreting dreams for a very long time. I write down especially interesting cases so that later I can compare the standard interpretation of sleep and my personal observations. For almost 15 years I have already accumulated enough records. So with a dream about the road, I also had a curious incident.
One girl dreamed that she and her friends were going to a picnic in the forest. Suddenly the car stops and the girls start looking for a suitable place to set the table. However, after a moment everyone disappears, and the girl is left alone in the wilderness and the road is not visible. The friends left, leaving her alone.
Literally a few days later, the question of layoffs arose at work, and the girl who had this dream worked as a waitress just in full shift with her friend. And it so happened that their shift was broken, a friend was left at work, and the girl who had this dream was cut.
Sometimes it is very interesting how dreams warn a person about significant events in his life. Sometimes you are simply amazed at the coincidences.