Along with the Zodiac, there is the Shadow horoscope, which reveals the secret sides of the character of a person. This horoscope includes ten signs that are based on ancient Greek mythology.

Step 1
Centaur (January 8-February 12)
This mythical animal represents a man with the body of a horse. Centaurs have a quick-tempered and violent character, however, some individuals are distinguished by benevolence and wisdom. People born under this sign follow the voice of emotion, not reason. They have an unbridled, wild disposition. Centaurs are unable to control their impulsive impulses and are prone to aggression and domination.

Step 2
Harpy (February 13-March 18)
The Harpy is a half-female, half-bird with deadly sharp claws. In mythology, the Harpy is a symbol of vengeance. People under the auspices of this sign have a powerful energy that can sweep away all obstacles around them. They are envious and vindictive and capable of much to achieve their goals.

Step 3
Pegasus (March 19-April 24)
Humans - Pegasus are a little aloof from other mortals, at least in their imaginations. They believe they deserve a better life than they got. Pegasus are prone to depression and often suffer from bouts of black melancholy. They simply hate routine daily work and prefer to spend their free time in ethereal dreams of a better fate.

Step 4
Cerberus (April 25-May 30)
This mythical animal has three heads. Cerberus serves Hades and vigilantly guards the entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead. People born under this sign are very vindictive. They are ready to literally tear their abuser into small pieces. If Cerberus is forced to restrain his aggressive impulses, due to the circumstances, then he begins to suffer and experience constant stress. Cerberus just needs to act and harm others. They can only be saved by careful work on oneself and the upbringing of positive qualities in oneself.

Step 5
Satyr (May 31-July 3)
Satyrs are simply obsessed with sex. Men - Satyrs often change partners. They are shameless adulterers and womanizers. Women born under this sign often invade other people's families and shamelessly destroy them. Satyrs should restrain their sexual fantasies and natural desires. Then they can become very successful and reliable members of society.

Step 6
Siren (4th July-10th August)
The siren has a voice of divine beauty. Sirens live on the island and lure unlucky sailors there with their singing, who are subsequently killed. The Siren people also use their natural charm with might and main to get their way, completely ignoring the interests of others. Sirens are dexterous manipulators who sincerely believe that all of humanity is simply obliged to be in their service and completely subordinate their lives to their interests.

Step 7
Griffin (11 August-15 September)
This mythical animal combines the qualities of the king of animals and birds. The griffin symbolizes strength and power. This is an extremely warlike and dangerous creature that is always ready for action. People-Griffins are ready to defend their beliefs to the end. They are loyal and fanatical. For the sake of a high idea, they are ways to sacrifice anyone.

Step 8
Chimera (September 16-October 22)
This monster has three heads: a lion's, a goat's, and a snake's. Flame bursts out of the Chimera's mouth, sweeping away everything in its path. The chimera is like a fire-breathing volcano. She symbolizes pipe dreams and unattainable desires. People born under this sign are hypocritical and two-faced. It is difficult to understand what is on their minds and what kind of mask they will wear according to the situation.

Step 9
Sphinx (October 23 - November 30)
It is a winged monster with the face and chest of a woman and the body of a lion. The name of this mythical animal comes from the verb "sphingo" - "to choke", "squeeze". The Egyptian Sphinx guarded temples and sacred sites, symbolizing immense strength and a keen mind. These qualities are simply necessary for the Sphinx to guard countless treasures, pyramids and temples. People who were born under the sign of the Sphinx, prone to austerity. They treat money extremely carefully and material values are above all for them. Their whole existence is subordinated to the desire for profit.

Step 10
Minotaur (December 1-January 7)
The Minotaur has a human body and a bull's head. This monster lived on the island of Crete in an underground labyrinth, where seven beautiful young men and women were sacrificed to it annually. Tsarevich Theseus voluntarily went to the labyrinth to deal with the monster, and the daughter of King Minos, Ariadne, who gave Theseus a saving thread, helped him. The young man tied a thread to the labyrinth door and began to pull it along with him. Having found the monster, Theseus killed him, and, holding on to the thread, returned safely. Humans - Minotaurs are slaves to their animal nature. They cannot make responsible decisions on their own. They always act on someone else's advice, often getting into trouble. They are driven by animal instincts and their main goal in life is to kill this mythical animal in themselves.